Marco Dorigo's publications have been cited more than 148,000 times; his h-index is 118 (computed on Google Scholar, 05.01.2024).
2024: AI Generated Podcasts from Marco Dorigo's Articles
2024: Honorary Chair for ANTS 2024 - Fourteenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
2022: General Chair for ANTS 2022 - Thirteenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
2020: Vice-general Chair for DARS 2020 - 15th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
2020: Vice-general Chair for SWARM 2020 - The 4th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics
2020: General Chair for ANTS 2020 - Twelfth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
2019: Vice-general Chair for SWARM 2019 - The 3rd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics
2016: Recipient of the IEEE Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award
2015: Recipient of the IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
2015: Honorary Chair for IEEE SSCI 2015 - Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence
2015: Honorary Doctorate awarded on April 21, 2015, by University of Pretoria
2015: Elected AAAI fellow
2012: Botsker Award for Innovative Technology at the 2012 Robot Film Festival, New York, July 14, 2012
2011: AAAI Best AI Video Award for the Movie "Swarmanoid, The Movie"
2010: ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Marco Dorigo for the project "E-Swarm: Engineering Swarm Intelligence Systems"
On November 27, 2007, Marco Dorigo received the "CajAstur International Prize for Soft Computing".
Best Video Award at the AAAI-07 AI Video Competition, Vancouver, 2007.
In 2007 Springer launched the new journal "Swarm Intelligence".
Article on "Swarm Theory" appeared in the July 2007 issue of the National Geographic Magazine.
In 2007 Marco Dorigo was named ECCAI fellow.
In 2006 Marco Dorigo was named IEEE fellow.
On November 22, 2005, the King of Belgium presented the "FNRS - Dr A. De Leeuw-Damry-Bourlart award in Applied Sciences" to Marco Dorigo for his fundamental contributions to the foundation of the swarm intelligence research field.
Forthcoming invited talks.
Ant Colony Optimization
Home page maintained by Marco Dorigo.

Home page of the IST-FET project "Swarm-bots" coordinated by Marco Dorigo.

ANTS: The International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence
Home page of the ANTS series of workshops founded by Marco Dorigo.

In 2003 Marco Dorigo received European Commission's Marie Curie Excellence Award for his research on Ant Colony Optimization and Ant Algorithms.

Swarm intelligence research and book cited in Crichton's novel Prey.  
Research Interests Research Funding

E-SWARM: Engineering Swarm Intelligence Systems. E-SWARM is a project funded by the European Research Council - Advanced Grants program of the European Union (Grant 246939). Its goal is to develop a rigorous engineering methodology for the design and implementation of artificial swarm intelligence systems. 2010-2015.

ASCENS: Autonomic Service-Component Ensembles, funded by the European Union within the Future and Emerging Technologies (IST-FET) program. 2010-2015.


H2SWARM: Hierarchical Heterogeneous Swarm, funded by the European Science Foundation within the EUROCORES programme "Bio-inspired Engineering of Sensors, Actuators & Systems (EuroBioSAS)". 2011-2014.

MIBISOC: Medical Imaging Using Bio-inspired and Soft Computing, a Marie Curie International Training Network funded by the European Commission within the Marie Curie Activities program. 2009-2013.

Meta-X: Metaheuristics for Complex Optimization Problems, a Action de Recherche Concertée (ARC) research award. 2008-2013.

Swarm-Morph. F.R.S.-FNRS research award. 2009-2010.

Swarmanoid: Towards Humanoid Robotic Swarms. Swarmanoid was a project sponsored by the Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Community (IST-022888). Its goal was the design, implementation and control of a swarmanoid, that is, a novel distributed robotic system made of heterogeneous, dynamically connected, small autonomous robots. 2006-2010

Virtual Swarmanoid. FNRS research award. 2007-2008.

Evolving a collective consciousness for a swarm of pico-satellites. This was a 4-month study funded by the ARIADNA programme of the European Space Agency. October 2007 - January 2008.

COMP2SYS: COMPutational intelligence methods for COMPlex SYStems. COMP2SYS was an Early Stage Training project funded by the European Commission within the Marie Curie Activities program. 2004-2008.

ECAgents: Embodied and Communicating Agents. ECAgents was a project sponsored by the Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Community (IST-1940). The aim of the project was the development of a new generation of embodied agents that are able to interact directly with the physical world and to communicate between them and with other agents. 2004-2007.

ANTS: Towards a Foundation of Ant Algorithms. ANTS was a project within the framework of the "Action de Recherche Concertée" (ARC) projects funded by the French Community of Belgium. It was aimed at studying, both theoretically and experimentally, ant algorithms. 2003-2008.

Virtual Swarm-bots FNRS research award. 2002-2003.

SWARM-BOTS: Swarms of self-assembling artefacts. Swarm-bots was a project sponsored by the Future and Emerging Technologies program of the European Community (IST-2000-31010). Its goal was the study of new approaches to the design and implementation of self-organizing and self-assembling artifacts. 2001-2005.

METAHEURISTICS NETWORK: The Metaheuristics Network was a project sponsored by the Improving Human Potential program of the European Community (HPRN-CT-1999-00106). It was aimed at studying various metaheuristics on different combinatorial optimization problems. 2000-2004.

EvoNeuroFuzzy: Training in Soft Computing Techniques for Optimization and Control. The EvoNeuroFuzzy training site was a project sponsored by the Improving Human Potential program of the European Community (HPMT-CT-2000-00032). It was aimed at training young researchers in the field of soft computing techniques for optimization and control such as fuzzy computing, evolutionary computation, neural computing, ant algorithms, and probabilistic reasoning. 2000-2004.

Beowulf style cluster of PCs, reseach award. 2000-2001.

Last modified: June 05 2015 15:50:44.