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General Information
Name: Marco Trabattoni
Birthdate: 05/11/1991
Belgian mobile phone: +32 485890225
Belgian home adress: Rue Vanderkindere 560/16 Uccle 1180
PhD started: 02/05/2016
Matricule ULB: 000436943
Office phone: +32-2-650 27 12
Work Schedule
Lab Responsabilities
- Swarm Intelligence
- Kilogrid
- Audio/Video Material
- Technical Reports
Deadline Calendar
- 05/12/2016 - finalize pheromone controller for videos and data collection
- 12/12/2016 - terminate pheromone experiments, finalize controllers for wall avoidance and plant watering experiments - fnrs proposal outline
- 19/12/2016 - terminate wall avoidance and plant watering experiments
- 23/12/2016 - detailed outline for fnrs proposal
--- 2017 ---
- 25/02/2017 - fnrs submission deadline
- 06/04/2017 - first draft/extended outline rar -
- 13/04/2017 - final draft rar
- 21/04/2017 - final version rar
SHCS - Decision Making
-Chain Formation
- Lo, Virginia, et al. "Scalable supernode selection in peer-to-peer overlay networks." HOT-P2P 2005, IEEE.
- Nouyan, Shervin, et. al. "Path formation in a robot swarm." Swarm Intelligence 2.1 (2008): 1-23.
-Control Entity
-Decision Making