Access to Digital Libraries
The list of the journals accessible online using IP addresses internal to the IRIDIA lab (164.15.10.xx) is available on the Internet at or There you can search and find out whether the journal you are interested in is available or not. As there are some 3000 titles, links can be broken as webmasters of ULB do not check them all the time. If you find a broken link the best you can do is to let them know and they will fix it.
ULB has NO general access to any of the (for us) most interesting collections: IEEE xPlore, ACM digital library, SpringerLink.
ULB has access to approximately 50% of Elsevier titles. To check which ones are available to us the only way is to go to, click on "Journals" and then search. Under the "Computer Science" category we have:
Journals in Computer Science section at Elsevier
- Artificial Intelligence,
- Cognition,
- Cognitive Brain Research,
- Cognitive Science,
- Neural Networks,
- Neurocomputing,
- Parallel Computing,
- Pattern Recognition,
- Pattern Recognition Letters,
- Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena.
Directory of Open Access Journal
Journal Storage (200 journals)