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=== 17th - 21st February, 2014 ===
* Assembly of lines
** Simple model - N components for length N
* Read DNA computing related literature
* Read chapter 4 of Navneet's thesis
=== 3rd - 7th February, 2014 ===
* Update design and submit to DMRC [done]
* Place other orders of screws to Knupfer / Jurgen [done]
=== 27th - 31st January, 2014 ===
* Create order and delivery table for 3D printing
** Shapeways
** Hamburg
* Make list of what can be ordered and delivered to Paderborn and give it to Marco
** Discuss with Navneet
* Conduct experiments on the components delivered by Shapeways (done)
* Received magnets
* Received Knupfer screws
* Shapeway component results
** Tube size too big
** Indents for the paint drops too small
* Upload Shapeway component results on the svn
=== 20th - 24th January, 2014 ===
* Prepare for 3D printer arrival
** Purchase extra filament if required
** Establish delays for filament delivery and restocking.
* Verify container designs with Navneet and submit
* Estimate annual private 3D printing services
* Experiments on the current L-Drop design (in progress)
** List variable parameters
** Vary parameters and test
* Random shaker
* Order micro screws from different vendor
* Updates for bud-petal design
=== 13th - 17th January, 2014 ===
* Verify container designs with Navneet and submit
* Estimate annual private 3D printing services
** Send order to Shapeways '''by Thursday''' (done)
* Experiments on the current L-Drop design (in progress)
** List variable parameters
** Vary parameters and test
* Random shaker
* Order micro screws from different vendor
* Updates for bud-petal design
=== 6th - 10th January, 2014 ===
* Finalise procurement
** Screws [waiting confirmation]
* Cut out acrylic
** Established tolerances for 0.5mm plexiglass - 0,34mm cumulative for circular holes.
* Finalise test environments
* Follow up with Haitham about 3D printed parts [in progress]
* Cut out covers
** Two notches will work better for top cover
* Conducted preliminary experiments
** The magnet should drop and move towards the face rather than dropping and staying in place
** They key should move in it's slot more smoothly. Ensure screw head does not interfere with the key slot
** The magnet should drop down more smoothly
* Back up option for screws [http://microfasteners.com/]
* Issues with the graphics card of solid designing machine.
* Camera, lights, lens
* Measure universal platform
* '''Laser cut bracket to check if dimensions are correct'''
=== 16th - 20th December, 2013 ===
* Finalise procurement
** Screws [waiting confirmation]
* Cut out acrylic
* Finalise test environments
* Meet Thomas to refine experiment hypothesis [done]
* Camera, lights, lens
* Measure universal platform
* '''Laser cut bracket to check if dimensions are correct'''
=== 9th - 13th December, 2013 ===
* Finalise procurement
** Acrylic [paid]
** Screws [waiting confirmation]
* Cut out acrylic
* Design test environments
* Design lid options
* Refine experiment hypothesis
* Camera, lights, lens
* Measure universal platform
* '''Laser cut bracket to check if dimensions are correct'''
=== 2nd - 6th December, 2013 ===
* Submit first working design to DMRC
* Follow up orders for screws and acrylic [in progress]
* Submit receipts to Jutta
** Print out previous trip spreadsheet for personal records
* Plan experiments
* Camera, lights, lens
* Digital weighing scale [http://europe.ohaus.com/europe/en/home.aspx]
* Measure universal platform
* '''Laser cut bracket to check if dimensions are correct'''
=== 25th - 29th November, 2013 ===
* Tally accounts
** Submit receipts to Jutta
** Print out previous trip spreadsheet for personal records
* Measure universal platform
** '''Laser cut bracket to check if dimensions are correct'''
** Spacing of holes
** Holes
** Length, breadth and width
* Pick up components from DMRC [done]
* Experiments with other magnets (N52) and Bismut
'''* Follow up orders for screws and acrylic'''
* Camera, lights, lens
* Digital weighing scale
=== 18th - 22nd November, 2013 ===
* Submit designs for printing: [done]
** L-drop component and key
** Straight drop component and key
** Test block to try different components
* Enquire about screws and acrylic sheet
* Update SVN
* Purchase
** Screws
** Acrylic
** Bismut [done]
=== 11th - 15th November, 2013 ===
* Pick up new components from DMRC
* Test new components
** Which magnets to use? ''--> 3mm side cube, 5mm side cube''
** What size of components? ''--> 50mm radius, 25mm height (earlier 35mm) '' '''(done)'''
** What size of keys? ''--> Increase dimensions of shaft, change shaft shape (incline to L) '''(done)''', keep wall thickness 1.5 (reduce to 1?) ''
** What gaps between magnet and ferromagnetic material?
***''--> For attraction the gap should ideally be a maximum 2mm. This means that since there is a 0.5mm air gap between the key and the magnet, the wall thickness should ideally be 1mm.''
***''--> To ensure there is no attraction between the ferromagnetic material and the magnet (> 3mm side cube) the separation should be at least 15mm''
** Which ferromagnetic material? ''--> screw ''
* Redesign components based on test results [''ref above'']
** Gaps magnet and ferromagnetic magnetic material
** Hole sizes for screw (hole on face) ['''done''']
** Height of component ['''done''']
* Redesign components to make them Radius 25 and Height 15
* Design tube for the magnet to slide in
* Design component such that the face ends with acrylic sheet
* Bismuth beads
=== 21st October - 25th October, 2013 ===
* Submit revised multi-target component design v2
* Conduct experiments with ferromagentic materials
* Submitted lock-key based design for 3D printing
* Conducted experiments with ferromagnetic material and magnets.
* Conduct further tests with ferromagnetic materials
** Use different magnets
** Tabulate distance of attraction and magnet strength (and shape?).
* Order magnets
* Make list of parameters that can be adjusted in revised multi-target component design
* Make a list of anticipated errors
* Design refinements to v2 design
** Lip
** Test blocks for angles
=== 15th October - 18th October, 2013 ===
'''Plan for Paderborn'''
* Design v2 of multi-target self-assembly system
* Design test blocks to test different parameters
* Designed v2
* Designed test blocks for:
** Different box sizes for the key
** Different key shapes based on area of attraction
* Conduct tests on magnets
* Design refinements
* Make list of anticipated errors
=== 07th October - 11th October, 2013 ===
=== 30th September - 04th October, 2013 ===
* Random shaker design
** Coupling of saw and shaker
* Test on Laser Cutter
* New 3D printer research
* Requested quote for random shaker
* Requested quote for basic 2D robot
* Submitted revised component design to DMRC
=== 22nd - 26th September, 2013 ===
* Shaker choice
* Update expenditures
* Revised component design
** No unwanted features
* Read paper and highlight important design attributes
* Visted Chem and Physics lab
=== 16th - 20th September, 2013 ===
* Submit revised design for 3D printing
* Literature review
** Works citing Hosokawa (1996)
* 17th September - Received reply from Dr. Hosokawa along with his last work on the self-assembly of multiple structures (1996).
=== 9th - 13th September, 2013 ===
* Make corrections to the angle test block design based on feedback from Polyjet Printing services [ongoing]
* Search for shakers [Fisher Scientific, Eppendorf and New Brunswick]
** Weight the shaker is able support atleast 500g of weight
** 220V Euro plug
** Metric holes
* Compiled a list of shakers
* Marco sent Xeed an email requesting a status update.
=== 2nd - 6th September, 2013 ===
* Send Kazuo Hosokawa email regarding paper [done]
* Shaker research [ongoing]
* Followup on 3D printer
=== 26th - 30th August, 2013 ===
* Design components for 3D printing
** Laser sintering
*** Test component to test different sliding angles
*** Test component to test different magnet separation distances
*** Seed component
*** Switchable component
** Polyjet
*** Test component to test different sliding angles
*** Test component to test different magnet separation distances
* Designs submitted
=== 19th - 23rd August, 2013 ===
'''Plan for Paderborn'''
* Conduct tests on:
* Induced error tests: N-N bond etc
* Complete incomplete experiments
* Buy M3 3cm length screws
* Bracket
* Further search for a random shaker
* Find state of the art for multiple structure assembly [in process]
* Placed order for magnets
** Magnets are with ULB courier services
* Make a list of errors for circle shapes
=== 12th - 16th August, 2013 ===
* Find a shaker that shakes in a random fashion [found one possibility]
* Find state of the art for multiple structure assembly [in process]
* Read Hosokawa paper [done]
* Refinements to existing designs
** Wall thickness [pending]
** Depth of magnets [run tests in Paderborn]
** Maximum and minimum structure sizes [cut 15mm and 25mm acrylic components]
* Update lab journal
* Prepare and pack for Paderborn trip 20130819-23
* Placed order for magnets
** Magnets are with ULB courier services
* Make a list of errors for circle shapes
=== 5th - 9th August, 2013 ===
* Reorganise experiment data from Paderborn visit
* Plot compatibility curve [done]
* Read Hosokawa paper [PENDING]
* Refinements to existing designs [in progress]
** Wall thickness
** Depth of magnets
** Maximum and minumum structure sizes
* Submit expenses for reimbursement [done]
** ''' Marco transferred 800Euro to my bank account on 9th August, 2013 '''
* Followed up with LaserScript - no response
* Purchased external hard drive to store videos
* Find a shaker that shakes in a random fashion
* Find state of the art for multiple structure assembly
* Read Hosokawa paper [PENDING]
=== 29th July - 2nd August, 2013 ===
* Conduct single target experiments on laser cut and 3D printed components in ABS plastic IR94 container
* Conduct multiple target experiments on 3D printed and laser cut components
* Take measurements for new bracket
* Conducted single target experiments with laser cut components in ABS plastic IR94 container
** 45deg segments IR25OR35
** 90deg segments OR35 circle
** 90deg segments IR15OR25
** 90deg segments IR25OR35
* Conducted single target experiments with laser cut components in acrylic IR75 container
** 45deg segments IR25OR35
** 90deg segments IR25OR35
** 90deg segments OR35 circle
* Conducted single target experiments with 3D printed components in ABS plastic IR94 container
** 45deg segments IR02OR35
** 90deg segments IR25OR35
* Conducted single target experiments with 3D printed components in acrylic IR75 container
* Conducted multiple target experiments with laser cut components in ABS plastic IR94 container
** 90deg segments IR25OR35 x2
** 90deg segments IR15OR25 x2
** 90deg segments IR15OR25 x3
* Conducted multiple target experiments with laser cut components in acrylic IR75 container
** 90deg segments OR35 circle x2
** 90deg segments IR15OR25 x3
* Conducted multiple target experiments with 3D printed components in ABS plastic IR94 container
** 45deg segments IR02OR25 x2
** 45deg segments IR02OR35 x2
** 90deg segments IR25OR35 x2
* Conducted multiple target experiments with 3D printed components in acrylic IR75 container
** 45deg segments IR02OR25 x4
* Go through JICBackup_videos on kelvin workstation
=== 22nd - 26th July, 2013 ===
* Conduct tests on N-N error reduction designs
* Cut IR100mm container
* '''Bracket revision!'''
* Send LaserScript feedback email
* Prepare for Paderborn trip
** Make a plan for experiments
** Make a list and pack
* Update expenses spreadsheet [done]
* Submit expenses to Muriel [done]
=== 15th - 19th July, 2013 ===
* Send LaserScript email [done]
* Update SVN
* Cut IR 100mm container
* Bracket!
* Find ways to reduce N-N errors [in progress]
* The laser cutter was previously not calibrated accurately and caused errors in cuts. The cutter is now better calibrated.
* Purchased 5mm plexi-glass sheet, 3 wood beams and Brico Discount Card ['''€195,47''']
* Designed and cut three modifications to reduce N-N error
** Curved edge
** Flanged edge
** Filleted edges
=== 8th - 12th July, 2013 ===
* Send bracket sizes to Navneet [Done, '''€14,59''']
* Update Experiments spreadsheet [done]
** Include dimensions of Big and Small environments [done]
* Deeper cuts [done]
* Inclined holes [done]
* Found suitable air-gap for components
* Found configurations for components with inclined holes to bond
** v-shape
** straight line (causes the pieces to be offset)
* Meeting with Mauro:
** Purchasing acrylic in bulk
** Laser cutter calibration
'''To dos'''
* Send LaserScript email regarding errors in calibration
* Deal with bracket fit
=== 1st - 5th July, 2013 ===
* Paderborn visit (3rd - 5th July, 2013)
** Pack
*** Cameras, chargers, cables, memory cards and tripod
*** Data storage
*** Design notebook, theses, papers
*** Magnets
*** Glue, tape
*** Bracket, environments, lids
*** Wing nuts, hex nuts, screws, bolts
*** Measuring instruments: vernier, rulers etc.
** Tests
*** Assemble components
*** Run single ring, two ring, extra pieces tests
** Shaker details
* Hand held experiments at IRIDIA
** Captured videos of single ring and multiple ring assembly experiments. Tabulated the results.
** Conducted tests with extra pieces. The extra pieces used were were:
*** Quarter circle
*** Full circle
* Shaker experiments in Paderborn
** Speed tests
*** Acrylic environment: acrylic components and ABS plastic components
*** ABS plastic environment: acrylic components and ABS plastic components
*** Tabulated results
** Assembly tests
*** Big acrylic environment: 90deg ring segments, 45deg ring segments, 90deg circle segments
*** Small acrylic environment: 90deg ring segments, 45deg ring segments, 90deg circle segments
*** Tabulated results
** Captured videos
'''To do'''
* Send bracket sizes to Navneet
* Update Experiments spreadsheet
** Include dimensions of Big and Small environments
* Deeper cuts
* Inclined holes
=== 24th - 28th June, 2013 ===
* Purchased [done]:
** Washer/spacer for M7 and M8 screws - 1 each
** 2m x 1m x 3mm Acrylic sheet - 1
** 6mm Clips - 1
** TOTAL : '''111,97 Euro'''
* Fabricate rings with lesser width [done]
* Test to see if two rings can form simultaneously [done]
* Prepare files and equipment for transport to Paderborn
* Self assembly of:
** Circle: IR 2mm OR 35mm
** 1 ring: 90deg segments IR 20mm OR 35mm
** 1 ring: 45deg segments IR 20mm OR 35mm
** 2 rings: 90deg segments IR 20mm OR 35mm
** 3 rings: 90deg segments and 45deg segments
=== 17th - 21st June, 2013 ===
* Purchase acrylic sheets, MDF boards, sand-paper, glue [done] '''€184,46'''
* Design and fabricate container for testing in July [done v2, shelved v1]
** Design coupling that will allow any container to be easily mounted onto the shaker. [done v2, shelved v1]
* Update Design Journal and Technical Report.
* Design rings with lesser width
** Observe lateral bonding
* Developed first self-assembling structure.
[[File:FirstSelfAssembledStructure 20130617.jpg]]
* Estimated cutting errors for the Laser Cutter [done]
** Included the design considerations needed to be taken into account because of the errors on the [http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/wiki/Laser_Cutter Laser cutter wiki] [done]
** Details of the error testing [[File:LaserCutter_Tests.pdf]]
* Purchased I-section nd L-section channels which will be used as the coupling that will join the container and the shaker. '''€7,59'''
* Purchased nuts, bolts and washers. '''€8,77'''
* Fabricated and assembled container(s) and brackets
** Containers: IR 75mm and IR 135mm
** Bracket
=== 10th - 14th June, 2013 ===
* Submit designs for fabrication [done]
** Ensure pieces mate before submission [done]
* Update reports and address Navneet's comments
** Reorganised files and directories [done]
** Revised time lines to reflect 2 week turn around time for 3D printing [done]
** Create entries for 20130607 [done]
** Update Design journal
* Design and fabricate lid [done]
* Design revision
* Assembly simulations in SolidWorks [done]
* Procured 2 suitable glues for acrylics
* Procured magnets
* Test finishing with the 2 glues
* Cut arcs with acrylic
=== 3rd - 7th June, 2013 ===
* RAR defense [done]
* Set up SVN [done]
* Create two docs: Lab report and detailed report and include them in SVN [done]
* Update Lab report based on meeting with Navneet [done]
* Understood basics of SolidWorks [done]
* Semi ring designed in SolidWorks
=== 1st March, 2013 ===
'''Literature Review'''
'''Project Work'''
* Work on FRS-FNRS Fellowship application
* Work on Self-Reproduction Review Paper
* Talk in Dubai
''' Laboratory Activities'''
* Assisting in big-arena robot storage setup
* Synthetic Reproduction Review Paper due by May 2013
* Defense of Report of Advancement on 17th May 2013
=== [[Year 2: Feb 2013 - Feb 2014]] ===
=== [[Year 2: Feb 2013 - Feb 2014]] ===

Revision as of 11:21, 6 March 2014

Personal Information

Name: Dhananjay Ipparthi

Date of arrival in Brussels: 08th February, 2012

Home address: Rue des Vierges 58, 1000 Bruxelles

Telephone number: +32 483 382 207


  • Ring assemble demo in Paderborn, 20th August 2013
  • Decision of continuation of fellowship, 31st January, 2014

Academic Activities

24th - 28th February, 2014


  • Insert magnets and screws into the components
  • Conduct preliminary tests on the components
  • Make necessary revisions to the design and submit


  • In Paderborn
    • Made necessary revisions to ray-disc design and submitted to Hamburg
    • Designed and submitted ray-disc container designs
    • Collected videos of ray-disc experiments (in different lighting conditions as well)
    • Collected videos of conformational switching experiments



Year 2: Feb 2013 - Feb 2014

Year 1: Feb 2012 - Feb 2013