IRIDIA - Supplementary Information (ISSN: 2684-2041)

Supplementary material for the paper:

Towards an empirical practice in off-line fully-automatic design of robot swarms

Antoine Ligot, Andres Cotorruelo, Emanuele Garone, and Mauro Birattari (April 2021)

Code source

The source code of the mission generator MG1 is available on GitHub. Dependencies are listed in the README of the package.

The source code of the automatic design methods used to solve the missions generated by MG1 are available here: AutoMoDe-Chocolate and EvoStick

Proof of Theorem 1

The proof of Theorem 1 is available as technical report: Proof.pdf

Statistical data

The missions generated by MG1, the instances of control software generated by Chocolate and EvoStick to solve them, and the performances obtained both in simulation and on physical robots are available for download: MissionsConfigurations.txt,, and


Video the control software generated by Chocolate and EvoStick performing the 30 generated missions.