©Guy Theraulaz

 Conference email address: ants@iridia.ulb.ac.be

Submission instructions

Papers can be submitted either as an extended abstract or as a full paper.
The length should be of approximately 4 to at most 10 pages respectively.

The papers should be in Postscript format that is readable by Ghostview.

There are two possibilities to submit a paper:

  1. The paper can be downloaded by ftp.
    The paper should be named by ANTS2000.Familyname_of_first_author.ps (example: ANTS2000.Smith.ps).
    Someone who submits more than one paper should add a number after Firstname-of-first-author (example: ANTS2000.Smith2.ps).
  2. The paper can be sent in a separate email with the subject line
    Submission ANTS2000.Familyname_of_first_author.ps (example: ANTS2000.Smith.ps) to the following address: mmi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de.
In addition, the corresponding author should also send an email with subjectline Submission ANTS2000.Familyname_of_first_author.info (example: ANTS2000.Smith.info) containing
  1. Name and contact information (including email) of the corresponding author
  2. Title of the paper
  3. Short abstract (max 100 words)
  4. Name of the author that will give the talk
to both of the following addresses: mmi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, ants@iridia.ulb.ac.be.

If one needs for any reason to send a revised version of a submitted paper she/he should submit it with the name ANTS2000.Familyname_of_first_author-rev.ps (example: ANTS2000.Smith3-rev2.ps is the second revision of the third paper submitted by Smith).

All submitted papers should be in camera ready form. Authors can find details on the required format, example files, and frames for preparing Latex or Microsoft Word files in the ANTS'2000 formatting information page.

Last updated Nov 30, 1999