©Guy Theraulaz

 Conference email address: ants@iridia.ulb.ac.be

Formatting instructions

Preparing a paper with Latex:

The easiest way for preparing a paper with Latex is to use one of the following Latex files as a frame for preparing the manuscript.

An example paper (Latex-file and corresping ps-file) can be downloaded here:

Preparing a paper with MS-Word:

An example paper which can be used as a frame for preparing a manuscript with MS-Word can be downloaded here:

General rules: Manuscripts should be in DinA4 format

Textheight: 23cm
Left and right side margins: 2.5cm
Font size: 11pt
Page numbers: starting at the front page (no page numbers in the final camera ready copy, once the abstract/paper has been accepted).

The manuscript should start with the following sections in the given order and all centered

Title: bold, Large (14pt)
Authors: Names seperated by commas (i.e. ","), upper index indicates the number in the affiliation list (if several authors)
Affiliation: italics, including email-addresses of all authors
Abstract: at most 150 words


Footnotes: numbered seperately on each page and in arabic.
Paragraphs: without indentation at the beginning.
Citations: use arabic numbers in square brackets.

Tables and figures should be centered and numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript in arabic (without section numbers).

Figures: captions below
Tables: captions above

Examples, theorems, lemmas, corollaries, and similar environments should be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript using arabic numbers (but no section numbers). For a Latex-file use \begin{example} and \end{example} at the beginning and respectively at the end of an example (these environments are defined in the ants-frame files. Analogously, use the following commands for the other environments:

\begin{theorem} - \end{theorem}
\begin{lemma} - \end{lemma}
\begin{corollary} - \end{corollary}
\begin{claim} - \end{claim}
\begin{definition} - \end{definition}

Proofs should begin with "Proof. " and end with a triangle at the end of the last line. (For a Latex-file use the \proof and \proofend commands at the beginning respectively end of a proof; these commands are defined in the frame).

References should be ordered alphabetically, numbered in arabic, and formatted as in the following examples (Latex users will use \bibitem or the Bibtex).

[1] X.Y. AAuthor, Z. BAuthor, and Z.Y. CAuthor. Title of
    paper. Name of journal, 1: 111--222, 1999.

[2] Z.Y. CAuthor. Title of paper. In X. AEditor and Y. BEditor (Eds.), Proc. of Conference, pp. 88--99. Publisher, 1997.

[3] Z.Y. CAuthor. Booktitle. Publisher, Address, 1998.

[4] Y. DAuthor. Title of report. Technical Report 333, Department, University, 1997.

Last updated Nov 30, 1999