Reference sets for bi-objective permutation flow-shop scheduling problems

  Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Thomas Stützle.

Reference non-dominated sets obtained by the state-of-the-art algorithm for 110 benchmark instances, five different combinations of objectives

We provide these state-of-the-art reference sets to easier benchmarking of optimization algorithms for bi-objective permutation flow-shop problems.

There are 110 instances and 25 non-dominated sets for each of them, each set being obtained by the hybrid TPLS+PLS algorithm using a different seed.
The instance size ranges from twenty jobs and five machines up to two-hundred jobs and twenty machines. For more details, see ref. [1].

There is one archive for each combination of two objectives (our hybrid algorithm has been shown to be state-of-the-art for all of them).

Relevant literature:

  1. Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste, Manuel López-Ibáñez and Thomas Stützle
    A Hybrid TP+PLS Algorithm for Bi-objective Flow-Shop Scheduling Problems.
    Computers & Operations Research, 38(8):1219–1236, 2011.
    [Bibtex] [doi] [Supplementary Material]

  2. G. Minella, R. Ruiz and M. Ciavotta.
    A review and evaluation of multi-objective algorithms for the flowshop scheduling problem,
    INFORMS Journal on Computing 20(3), 451-471, 2008.

File Details Ref.
refsets_makespan_sumflowtimes.tar.gz Reference sets for makespan and sum of flowtimes (aka total completion time). 1
refsets_makespan_totaltardiness.tar.gz Reference sets for makespan and total tardiness. 1
refsets_makespan_weightedtardiness.tar.gz Reference sets for makespan and weighted tardiness. 1
refsets_sumflowtimes_totaltardiness.tar.gz Reference sets for sum of flowtimes (aka total completion time) and total tardiness. 1
refsets_sumflowtimes_weightedtardiness.tar.gz Reference sets for sum of flowtimes (aka total completion time) and weighted tardiness. 1
benchmark_instances.tar.gz Benchmark instances used for these reference sets. 2