
The error bounds of the data are computed using a Python program. This program takes the physical experiment and analytical model data, and returns a matrix of number of components (column 1) and corresponding error bound (column 2).

To obtain the error bounds, please download the physical experiment (.csv) and analytical model data (.dat), and Python code (.py) into one directory. Executing the code therein will generate the error bounds.

45° sector experiment

20 trials

[Physical experiment data] [Analytical model data] [Code]

41 trials

[Physical experiment data] [Analytical model data] [Code]

60° sector experiment

[Physical experiment data] [Analytical model data] [Code]

72° sector experiment

[Physical experiment data] [Analytical model data] [Code]

90° sector experiment

[Physical experiment data] [Analytical model data] [Code]

Square shape component experiment

[Physical experiment data] [Analytical model data] [Code]

Triangle shape component experiment

[Physical experiment data] [Analytical model data] [Code]