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Submission instructions

Submitted papers must be between 8 and 12 pages long in the LNCS Springer style (papers that do not respect this formatting might be rejected!).

The format of the paper can be either Postscript or Adobe PDF.

The authors of the accepted papers are expected to provide also the text file (in LaTex or MS-Word format, according to the LNCS style).

All submitted papers will be peer reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. The authors of accepted papers will have to improve their paper on the basis of the reviewers' comments.

By submitting a camera-ready paper, the author(s) agree that at least one author will attend and present each accepted paper at the workshop.

How to submit

Only electronic submission is accepted.

  • Send to the address ants-submissions@iridia.ulb.ac.be an e-mail with the following subject line:
    Submission ANTS2002.Familyname_of_first_author.format (example: ANTS2002.Smith.ps)

    The paper should be attached to the e-mail, possibly compressed by using gzip or zip.

  • In addition, the corresponding author should also send to the same address as before, ants-submissions@iridia.ulb.ac.be, an e-mail with the following subject line:
    Submission ANTS2002.Familyname_of_first_author.info (example: ANTS2002.Smith.info)
    containing in the following order:

    1. Name and contact information (including e-mail) of the corresponding author
    2. Title of the paper
    3. Short abstract (max 100 words)
    4. Name of the author that will give the talk

  • If the same author submits more than one paper, then he/she should number all the submitted papers as follows:
    Submission ANTS2002.Familyname_of_first_author-index_number.format (example: ANTS2002.Smith-2.pdf is the second paper submitted by Smith).

  • If one needs for any reason to send a revised version of a submitted paper she/he should submit it with the name:
    Revised #? ANTS2002.Familyname_of_first_author.format (example: Revised #2 ANTS2002.Smith.ps is the second revision of the paper submitted by Smith).

Last updated Jan 11, 2002