Biographical sketch

I received a Master's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, in 1997, and a doctoral degree in Information Technologies from the faculty of Engineering of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, in 2004. Since 1997, I work as an academic researcher in the field of computational intelligence. I am currently with IRIDIA, CoDE, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, as a directeur de recherches (research director) of the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS of Belgium's Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

I have been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for the project "DEMIURGE: automatic design of robot swarms" — ERC-2015-CoG: 2016–2022.

I have co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications in the field of computational intelligence. My papers have been cited more than 12000 times in publications monitored by Scoups and, according to Google Scholar, more than 35000 times in the scientific literature. My h-index is 58.

I authored the book Tuning Metaheuristics: A machine learning perspective, published in 2009 by Springer. My scientific video Swarmanoid, the movie won a number of awards including the Best Video Award at the AAAI Video Competition 2011. My article A racing algorithm for configuring metaheuristics received the SIGEVO Impact Award 2012.

I am an associate editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Multi-Robot Systems, and an academic editor for PeerJ Computer Science. I served as an associate editor for Swarm Intelligence from 2006 to 2019 and I am currently a member of the editorial board. I also served as a member of the organizing committee for 17 international conferences, and as a member of the program committee for more than 50 international conferences in the last five years. From 2002 to 2018, I served as member of the organizing committee of the series of conferences ANTS. Between 2012 and 2015, I chaired for four times the AAAI Video Competition.

Academic and professional societies

I am a senior member of ACM and of IEEE. I am a member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and of the IEEE Robotic and Automation Society and of the IEEE AADCS: Task Force on Automated Algorithm Design, Configuration and Selection.


  • Best Paper Award at BNAIC 2019, the 31st Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence Brussels, Belgium Nov 2019
  • ERC Consolidator Grant for the project "DEMIURGE: Automatic design of robot swarms" started in October 2016 European Research Council Dec 2015
  • Prix Wernaers 2012 pour la recherche et la diffusion des connaissances for the video "Swarmanoid, the movie" with Rehan O'Grady and Marco Dorigo F.R.S.–FNRS Aug 2012
  • Innovative Technology Award at the Robot Film Festival for the video "Swarmanoid, the movie" with Rehan O'Grady and Marco Dorigo New York Jul 2012
  • SIGEVO Impact Award 2012 for the GECCO 2002 paper: "A racing algorithm for configuring metaheuristics" Jul 2012
  • Best Video Award at the AAAI-11 AI Video Competition for the video "Swarmanoid, the movie" written and directed by Mauro Birattari and Rehan O'Grady San Francisco, CA Aug 2011
  • 2009 Outstanding Reviewer Award "for work on International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 2008" Emerald Literati Network Jun 2009
  • Best Performing Algorithm at the International Timetabling Competition Metaheuristics Network and PATAT, the international series of conferences on the practice and theory of automated timetabling Manno, Switzerland Mar 2003
  • Best Paper Award at BNAIC'99, the 11th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence Maastricht, The Netherlands Nov 1999

Curriculum vitae

Here you can download my CV: my CV

Extraprofessional activities

I hold a black belt 3rd degree in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Grand Master Flavio Behring. I am the president, co-founder, and co-head instructor of Kaizen BJJ Brussels, a Brazilian jiu-jitsu academy that currently counts more than one hundred members. My hobbies include street photography, music, and cooking.

In the media


Mashable Watch a swarm of robots lay artificial pheromones like ants

Short article and original video on our research published on Mashable, the popular news website and digital media platform.

MashableMar 7, 2024


IEEE-Spectrum Stigmergy, robots and automatic design

Our video was included in the weekly video review of the magazine IEEE Spectrum.

IEEE-Spectrum, Video FridayFeb 23, 2024

FNRS news

FNRS news Fascinante, l’IA va bouleverser la recherche et la société !

Article on the future of artificial intelligence published in FNRS news, the quarterly magazine of the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

FNRS newsJun 2023


Robohub Simulations, real robots, and bloopers from the DOTS competition: Powering emergency food distribution using swarms

David Garzon Ramos, Jonas Kuckling, and Miquel Kegeleirs—three researchers of the ERC DEMIURGE project, and PhD students under my supervision—won the DOTS swarm robotics competition jointly organized by Bristol Robotics Laboratory, Toshiba Bristol Research and Innovation Laboratory and the South Gloucestershire Council’s UMBRELLA project. Congratulations, gentlemen!

RobohubJune 24, 2021

FNRS news

FNRS news Les essaims de robots font évoluer la cartographie

Article on our research in Swarm SLAM published in FNRS news, the quarterly magazine of the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

FNRS newsJun 2021


Robohub Towards mapping unknown environments with a robot swarm

Article on our research in Swarm SLAM published by Robohub, the popular online communication platform that covers robotics research, business, and education.

RobohubApr 1, 2021

G Square

G Square #36 Robotique en essaim: Une avancée méthodologique

Article on our perspective paper Disentangling automatic and semi-automatic approaches to the optimization-based design of control software for robot swarms published in G Square, the magazine of the Faculty of Engineering of the Université libre de Bruxelles.

G SquareSep 2020

FNRS news

FNRS news La conception basée sur l’optimisation pour générer les comportements des essaims de robots

Article on our perspective paper Disentangling automatic and semi-automatic approaches to the optimization-based design of control software for robot swarms. Published in FNRS news, the quarterly magazine of the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

FNRS newsOct 2020

RTBF – Matière Grise

Matière Grise Quand la science s'inspire de la fiction

Presentation of my research and illustration of its relationship with science-fiction. Matière Grise is a popular science TV magazine produced by RTBF, the public service broadcaster of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

RTBFSep 2, 2020


myScience Conception par optimisation d’essaims de robots: deux approches distinctes

Short article on one of the pubblications I produced in the framework of the DEMIURGE Project: Disentangling automatic and semi-automatic approaches to the optimization-based design of control software for robot swarms.

myScienceAug 11, 2020

FNRS news

FNRS news Quand l'union des robots fait la force: avec Mauro Birattari

Interview on my research in swarm robotics. Published in FNRS news, the quarterly magazine of the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

FNRS newsFeb 2020

RTL-TVI – Tout s'explique

Tout s'explique Les Robots !

Interview and presentation of my research. Tout s'explique is a science and technology TV show broadcast by RTL-TVI, the most popular channel in the French-speaking area of Belgium.

RTL-TVIDec 12, 2019

FNRS: Donation campaign

FNRS donation campaign Les actrices et acteurs de la recherche scientifique – Technologies

I was chosen by the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS to be one of the testimonials for the donation campaign 2019.

FNRS, donation campaignDec 2019

FNRS news

FNRS news Un manifeste de la génération automatique d’essaims de robots

Article on our Manifesto of the automatic off-line design of robot swarms. Published in FNRS news, the quarterly magazine of the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

FNRS newsOct 2019


myScience Une programmation automatique des robots pour faciliter le quotidien

Short article on one of the pubblications I produced in the framework of the DEMIURGE Project: a Manifesto of the automatic off-line design of robot swarms.

myScienceAug 22, 2019


Science&Vie China 机器人,团结就是力量

Article on swarm robotics that mentions my research. Published in the Chinese edition of the popular French-language science magazione Science&Vie.

新发现Science&VieFeb 2019


ERC Science Squared What can robots learn from ants?

Article on the DEMIURGE project. Published in ERC=Science², the Europe-wide communications campaign that spotlights breakthrough science funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

ERC=Science²Jan 2019

FNRS news

FNRS news Les robots capables de déterminer l’ordre des tâches

Article on my resaerch published in FNRS news, the quarterly magazine of the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

FNRS newsOct 2018


Science&Vie Robots : l'union fait leur nouvelle force

Article on swarm robotics that mentions my research. Published in the popular French-language science magazione Science&Vie.

Science&VieOct 2018


Knack Robots moeten beter leren samenwerken

Short article on my research published in Knack, a Dutch-language Belgian weekly news magazine covering local news, politics, sports, business, jobs, and community events.

KnackSep 12, 2018


L'Avenir Des robots collectivement intelligents

Article on my research published in L'Avenir, a major Belgian newspaper that covers regional and national news.

L'AvenirAug 18, 2018

La Dernière Heure

La Dernière Heure Des robots "Made in Belgium" vont épauler les secouristes pour sauver des vies

Article on my research published in La Dernière Heure, a French-language daily newspaper published in Brussels, Belgium.

La Dernière HeureAug 4, 2018


Science Simple robots form a chain gang to solve complex problems

Short article on my research published in Science, the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and one of the world's top academic journals.

ScienceJul 31, 2018

Daily Science

Daily Science Des robots de plus en plus intelligents

Article on my research published in Daily Science, a Belgian digital newspaper of scientific popularization and dissemination of knowledge.

Daily ScienceJul 31, 2018

RTBF – La Une / VitaCité

Excerpt from the morning news of RTBF – La Une / VivaCité: Belgium's national television and radio station.

RTBF – La Une / VivaCitéJul 19, 2018

RTBF – La Première

Excerpt from Le journal de 8H, morning news at the Belgium's national radio station RTBF – La Première.

RTBF – La PremièreJul 19, 2018

La Libre

La Libre Les robots peuvent travailler ensemble et être plus intelligents que seuls...

Article on my research published in the Belgian national newspaper La Libre Belgique.

La LibreJul 18, 2018

G Square

G Square #22 Alessandro Parente et Mauro Birattari: Chercheurs, au plus haut niveau

Joint interview with my colleague Alessandro Parente, recepient of an ERC Starting Grant: G Square, the magazine of the Faculty of Engineering of the Université libre de Bruxelles.

G SquareMar 2017

G Square

G Square #19 Un ERC Consolidator Grant pour Mauro Birattari

Short article on the DEMIURGE project published in G Square, the magazine of the Faculty of Engineering of the Université libre de Bruxelles.

G SquareJun 2016

ULB Connect

ULB Connect no. 3 ERC to Mauro Birattari

Short article on the DEMIURGE project published in ULB Connect, the English language newsletter of the Université libre de Bruxelles.

ULB ConnectApr 2016

Esprit Libre

Esprit Libre no. 42 L'Intelligence Artificielle comme Leitmotiv

One-page article on my research and on the DEMIURGE project published in Esprit Libre, the magazine of the Université libre de Bruxelles.

Esprit LibreApr-May 2016

Il Sole 24 Ore

Il Sole 24 Ore In arrivo sciami di robot

L'Europa del merito / Mauro Birattari

Article on the DEMIURGE project published by the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

Il Sole 24 Ore: Domenica24Mar 27, 2016

la Repubblica

la Repubblica 16/2/2016 La meglio gioventù...

On the first page of the Italian newspaper la Repubblica

Photo collage: I appear together with some of the other Italian "young" researchers that obtained an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2015.

la RepubblicaFeb 16, 2016

Daily Science

Daily Science Bourses ERC

Moins de 1% de chercheurs de la FWB parmi les Lauréats

Article on the results of the ERC Consolidator Grant competition 2015.

Daily ScienceFeb 16, 2016

La Lettre de l'ULB

La Lettre de l'ULB ERC à Mauro Birattari

Short article on the DEMIURGE project published in La Lettre de l'ULB, the newsletter of the Université libre de Bruxelles.

La Lettre de l'ULBFeb 4, 2016

Esprit Libre

Esprit Libre no. 41 « Robotique en essaim » : un ERC Grant pour Mauro Birattari

Short article on the DEMIURGE project published in Esprit Libre, the magazine of the Université libre de Bruxelles.

Esprit LibreJan Feb Mar, 2016

Télé Bruxelles – Genius

Excerpt from episode 3 of Genius, Télé Bruxelles.

Télé BruxellesMar 23, 2008

Télé Bruxelles – Genius

Excerpt from episode 7 of Genius, Télé Bruxelles.

Télé BruxellesSep 27, 2008

La Lettre du FNRS

lettre70 Mauro Birattari

Apprentissage machine pour la conception automatique de métaheuristiques

Article on my research published in La Lettre du FNRS, the quarterly magazine of the fund for scientific research F.R.S.–FNRS of Belgium's Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

La Lettre du FNRSSep 2007