Getting started for Demiurge

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This page will list all the necessary steps you should take before starting to work on the Demiurge project.

Set up your working environment

  • Activate all resources as described on this page, if you not have done so already.
  • Set up your workstation (see this page for more details)
  • Send your github account name to the Demiurge repository administrator (at the moment Ken)
  • Get yourself added to the Demiurge Whatsapp group
  • Give your e-mail address to Mauro, he will add you to the Demiurge mailing list
  • Install argos
    1. Install all prerequisites (specified at the github page)
      • You can do so by running the following command in your terminal: TODO: Check again this is the right list of prerequisites
      • sudo apt-get install libfreeimage-dev libfreeimageplus-dev qt5-default freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev liblua5.2-dev lua5.2 doxygen graphviz graphviz-dev asciidoc
    2. Download and install argos
      • Be aware that we are currently not using the most recent version but instead the release "3.0.0-beta48"
      • Get the repository:
        1. git clone argos3, clones the repository TODO: Setting up ssh keys?
        2. cd argos3
        3. git checkout 3.0.0-beta48, checks out the version that we are using at the moment
      • If you are on the cluster: Change the CMake-version from 2.8.12 to 2.8.8 in the src/CMakeLists.txt file. There are two occurences that need to be replaced.
      • Prepare the build of argos3
        1. mkdir build
        2. cd build
        3. cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[INSTALL_LOCATION]/argos3-dist -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DARGOS_INSTALL_LDSOCONF=OFF -DARGOS_DOCUMENTATION=OFF ../src, where the [INSTALL_LOCATION] is the place where you will place all compiled projects (on the cluster /home/[USER_NAME]/)
        4. make
        5. make doc, if you have forgotten the -DARGOS_DOCUMENTATION=OFF
        6. make install
      • Before you can install our epuck-plugin, you have to remove the default plugin first. In argos3-dist run the following commdands
        1. rm -rf [INSTALL_LOCATION]/argos3-dist/include/argos3/plugins/robots/e-puck
        2. rm -rf [INSTALL_LOCATION]/argos3-dist/lib/argos3/lib*epuck*.so
      • Add the following lines to your .bashrc (or create a separate file and source it from your .bashrc)
        1. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=[INSTALL_LOCATION]/argos3-dist/lib/pkgconfig
        2. export ARGOS_PLUGIN_PATH=[INSTALL_LOCATION]/argos3-dist/lib/argos3
        4. export PATH=[INSTALL_LOCATION]/argos3-dist/bin/:$PATH
    3. Download and install the e-puck plugin
      • Get the repository
        1. git clone argos3-epuck
        2. cd argos3-epuck
        3. git checkout v48
      • If you are on the cluster:
        1. Open src/plugins/robots/e-puck/CMakeLists.txt and comment the line with include(VisionTools.cmake)
        2. Open src/cmake/ARGoSBuildChecks.cmake and remove the checks for Lua and Qt/OpenGL
      • Prepare the build of the epuck-plugin
        1. mkdir build
        2. cd build
        3. cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[INSTALL_LOCATION]/argos3-dist -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src, where the [INSTALL_LOCATION] is the same place as for argos3 (on the cluster /home/[USER_NAME]/)
        4. make
        5. make install
    • If you don't want to install everything by hand this script might be useful. However you need all prerequisites installed before running the script.
  • Install AutoMoDe
    1. Download and install the loopfunctions
      1. git clone AutoMoDe-loopfunctions
      2. cd AutoMoDe-loopfunctions
      3. git checkout simulation
      4. mkdir build
      5. cd build
      7. make
      8. make install
    2. Download and install the e-puck DAO
      1. git clone AutoMoDe-DAO
      2. cd AutoMoDe-DAO
      3. mkdir build && cd build
      5. make
      6. make install
    3. Download and install AutoMoDe
      1. git clone AutoMoDe
      2. cd AutoMoDe
      3. mkdir build
      4. cd build
      5. cmake ..
      6. make
  • If you have to work on the cluster you should follow these instructions to install Argos. AutoMoDe can be installed as on your local computer.
  • In order to install irace on the cluster, follow these steps:
    1. Download the irace package
    2. Upload the .tar.gz file to your home directory in the cluster
    3. Install the R package locally
      • mkdir ~/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.5/ (At the moment it is not possible to put it anywhere else)
      • Run the following command: R CMD INSTALL -l ~/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.5/ irace_2.2.tar.gz
    4. Add irace to IRACE_HOME, PATH and R_LIBS path (for example in your .bashrc file with the following commands)
      • export R_LIBS_USER=~/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.5
      • export IRACE_HOME=${R_LIBS_USER}/irace
      • export PATH=${IRACE_HOME}/bin/:${PATH}
      • export R_LIBS=${R_LIBS_USER}:${R_LIBS}
  • In order to install EvoStick
    1. Coming soon
  • In order to install NEAT
    1. Coming soon

Running robot experiments in the arena

  • A detailed description on running experiments in the Arena can be found here

Writing your paper

  • See this page for information on how to write your paper.

Important paper to read

Useful pages to bookmark

People working on the project

  • TODO

Resources depending on your area of expertise

  • TODO