Footbot/Real robot information

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EPFL LSRO Wikipages

For updated info go to the EPFL wiki.

Connecting to a footbot

Wifi uses wpasupplicant to connect to a WPA-PSK access point. You can use USB or Bluetooth to connect to the robot otherwise. Set the selector on the robot top to an even value for USB, and uneven to Bluetooth.


$ sudo /sbin/ifconfig usb0 netmask
$ ssh root@footbot_usb

footbot_usb is aliased to ip in /etc/hosts In aseba, to connect use



In aseba, to connect use



Currently unstable, check LSRO wiki.

Booting Algorithm

Beware of the sudden movement of the robot as it's booting. NEVER put it on a table when testing. If Aseba connection doesn't work, try again without killing asebamedulla; otherwise, close Asebastudio, kill asebamedulla and reset the traslator and the pic. Rerun asebamedulla and try connecting. The command to run asebamedulla is the following:

$ asebamedulla --system "ser:device=/dev/ttymxc4;fc=hard;baud=921600" 2>&1 1>/dev/null &

If this does not work, try closing Asebastudio, killing asebamedulla and setting the selector to another even value (NOT an odd one!). Reset the pic and the translator, rerun asebamedulla and try connecting again.


* full battery = 4.2V
* empty battery < 3.6V 

The charger we have at Iridia damages the batteries. We were given 12 batteries; to limit the number of damaged batteries, 10 batteries, when empty, won't be recharged. Only two batteries will be recharged, .



Cameras don't work at the same time; you can use them one by one. To select the camera to use, echo to file /sys/class/gpio/gpio28/value a value of 0 for the omnidirectional camera and 1 for the front one.

The camera module is mt9t031.ko.

If you get an error such as:

 [FATAL] Cannot open /dev/video0: Input/output error

then try unbinding the driver and then binding it back. You do it this way:

echo 0-0 > /sys/bus/soc-camera/drivers/camera/unbind
echo 0-0 > /sys/bus/soc-camera/drivers/camera/bind

For problems, the EPFL guy to ask is Valentin Longchamps <>.


Turret Rotation

At boot, the robot sets the 0 position of the turret. To avoid damaging the robot or having funny values, always put the gripper back in the 0 position and then switch the robot on. It can be done also when the robot is on already: set the variable '' to 0 and rotate the turret back to its position. Then select 'Tools->Reboot->Griper-led' and the new 0 position will be set.


Compiling ARGoS for the real robot

Download and install the toolchain from . It is recommended to install it system-wide because it hasn't been tested otherwise.

Configure your environment for cross-compilation:

$ source /usr/local/angstrom/arm/environment-setup

Then, compile the common package:

$ cd /path/to/argos2
$ cd common
$ mkdir -p build/footbot
$ cd build/footbot
$ make

If everything goes OK, compile the real robot package:

$ cd /path/to/argos2
$ cd real_robot
$ mkdir -p build/swarmanoid/footbot
$ cd build/swarmanoid/footbot
$ cmake ../../../swarmanoid/footbot
$ make

If everything goes OK, compile the user package:

$ cd /path/to/argos2
$ cd user/my_user
$ mkdir -p build/footbot
$ cd build/footbot
$ make