IRIDIA cluster server daemons
This page contains information on installing and setting up: DHCP, diskless, ...
It is assumed that the servers are running a minimal installation as described in the previous section IRIDIA cluster installing an OS on the servers.
Install the package called diskless. This package contains tools and binaries for creating a Debian image for the diskless clients.
Create a new image:
diskless newimage
For more information on creating see
A DHCP daemon should be installed on majorana so that IPs are given to the cluster nodes depending on their MAC address. When installing DCHP notice that the package dhcp3 could give some trouble with the /dev/rtc (real-time clock). However, the package named just dhcp seems to work.
We are not going to go through configuring DHCP here, but you can download a working version of the dhcpd.conf file and add any additional nodes.
Notice that the IPs on the cluster LAN should be assigned according to the following rules: polyphemus (p01) - 99: p02-p99 (diskless nodes) majorana (r01) - 254 r02-r155
Finding the MAC address of a node