IRIDIA cluster backup files
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Revision as of 11:27, 15 February 2005 by Christensen (talk | contribs)
This page contains information on how to stop the cluster and on what files to backup before reinstalling everything.
Stopping the current operation
Log on to majoranaas root, do a qstat to see if anyone is using the cluster, if not stop the Sun Grid Engine (SGE):
/etc/init.d/rcsge stop
Backing up important files
Backup the follow directories from majorana:
/home (Users' home directories) /etc (User passwords, conf files for NIS, NFS, ..) /usr/local/sge (Sun Grid Engine) /usr/src/ganglia (Ganglia) /usr/lib/fai (Fully automated installation) /usr/share/fai (Fully automated installation) /usr/local/share/fai (Fully automated installation) /root (Scripts etc.)
Backup the following directories from polyphemus
/etc (Misc configuration files) /root/flexlmd (FlexLM license manager files) /var/flexlm (More FlexLM) /etc/init.d/flexlmd (More FlexLM) /etc/rc*/*80flexlmd (More FlexLM) /etc/flexlm (More FlexLM) /root (Scripts etc.)
Backup the following directories from one diskless node and one rack node:
Note: Some directories you can simply tar and compress, while that might take a bit too long/too much space for the home directories. In those cases rsync can prove useful.