Desktop computers

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This page contains the information about the desktop pcs in use at IRIDIA. The information is structured into a table containing the characteristics of the computers in use by each person. The information is sorted by people's last names.

When you put your data in, you must structure the information as follows:

Monitor Brand, model, size in inches
CPU Brand, model, speed as output by 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"'
RAM Total size as output by 'free -mto' (consider only the cell "total mem"), type and speed as output by sudo dmidecode --type 17 | grep -i -e type -e speed
Hard disk Brand, model and size as output by 'sudo fdisk -l | grep Disk'; add also information about rpm (with the model name you find it on Google easily)
Graphics card Brand, model and video RAM size (use 'sudo lspci | grep "VGA"')
CD/DVD Type ("Read" or "Read/write"), brand and model

Computers sorted by person

Carlo Pinciroli

Monitor Samsung SyncMaster 245B 24 inches
CPU Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz
RAM 3277Mb DDR2 @ 800Mhz
Hard disk Samsung HD103UJ 1000.2Gb @ 7200rpm
Graphics card nVidia GeForce 9500 GT 128Mb
CD/DVD Read/write, CDDVDW SH-S223B