Difference between revisions of "Arena time slots"

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Line 136: Line 136:
Monday 3rd January
Monday 3rd January
| Ciro (6 sbots)
Tuesday 4th January
Tuesday 4th January
| Ciro (6 sbots)
Wednesday 5th January
Wednesday 5th January
| Ciro (6 sbots)
| Rodi (6 sbots)
| Rodi (6 sbots)
Thursday 6th January
Thursday 6th January
| Ciro (6 sbots)
| Rodi (6 sbots)
| Rodi (6 sbots)
Friday 7th January
Friday 7th January
| Ciro (6 sbots)
| Rodi (6 sbots)
| Rodi (6 sbots)
Monday 10th January
Monday 10th January
| Ciro (6 sbots)
| Vito and Anders (6 sbots)
| Vito and Anders (6 sbots)
Line 171: Line 171:
Wednesday 12th January
Wednesday 12th January
| Ciro (6 sbots)
| Vito and Anders (6 sbots)
| Vito and Anders (6 sbots)
Line 181: Line 181:
Friday 14th January
Friday 14th January
| Ciro (6 sbots)
| Vito and Anders (6 sbots)
| Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Revision as of 20:13, 16 December 2004

Reserve your arena time slots. Include your name, the number of sbots you need and any other comments useful for planning and coordination.

Note: This time table is just a draft. It is always possible to negiotate with people blocking the slots :-) For instance, if someone has to work in the x-mas week which is blocked by Rodi and Ciro completly(!!), it can be arranged.

Date Before lunch After lunch

Monday 29th November

Tuesday 30th November

Test: christos(2 sbots)? + ? Test: Rodi/Halva (1-2 sbots) + CHRISTOS(2 sbots)

Wednesday 1st December

Test: Christos(2 sbots)? + ? Test: Rodi/Halva (1-2 sbots) +CHRISTOS(2 sbots)

Thursday 2nd December

Test: Christos(2 sbots)? + ? Test: Rodi (2 sbots) +CHRISTOS(2 sbots)

Friday 3rd December

Test: Christos(2 sbots)? + ? Test: Rodi (2 sbots) + CHRISTOS(2 sbots)

Monday 6th December

Christos (2 sbots)

Tuesday 7th December

Rodi (2 sbots) + Christos (2 sbots)

Wednesday 8th December

Rodi (2 sbots) + Christos (2 sbots)

Thursday 9th December

Rodi (2 sbots) + Christos (2 sbots)

Friday 10th December

Rodi (2 sbots) + Christos (2 sbots) Christos (2 sbots)?

Monday 13th December

Christos (2 sbots) Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Tuesday 14th December

Rodi (6 sbots) Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Wednesday 15th December

Rodi (6 sbots) Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Thursday 16th December

Rodi (6 sbots) Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Friday 17th December

Rodi (6 sbots) Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Monday 20th December

Rodi (6 sbots) Ciro (6 sbots)

Tuesday 21st December

Rodi (6 sbots) Ciro (6 sbots)

Wednesday 22nd December

Rodi (6 sbots) Ciro (6 sbots)

Thursday 23rd December

Rodi (6 sbots) Ciro (6 sbots)

Friday 24th December

Rodi (6 sbots and x-mas tree) Rodi (6 sbots and x-mas tree)

Monday 27th December

Tuesday 28th December

Wednesday 29th December

Thursday 30th December

Friday 31st December

Monday 3rd January

Ciro (6 sbots)

Tuesday 4th January

Ciro (6 sbots)

Wednesday 5th January

Ciro (6 sbots) Rodi (6 sbots)

Thursday 6th January

Ciro (6 sbots) Rodi (6 sbots)

Friday 7th January

Ciro (6 sbots) Rodi (6 sbots)

Monday 10th January

Ciro (6 sbots) Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Tuesday 11th January

Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Wednesday 12th January

Ciro (6 sbots) Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Thursday 13th January

Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Friday 14th January

Ciro (6 sbots) Vito and Anders (6 sbots)

Monday 17th January

Tuesday 18th January

Wednesday 19th January

Thursday 20th January

Friday 21st January