Warning message: In trellis.par.postscript 2 postscript 2 Analysis of Variance Table Model 1: best ~ (comm.strat + migLoading required package: grid Loading required package: mvtnorm .cpu)^2 Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) 1 464 214.276 2 467 217.534 -3 -3.258 2.3518 0.07159 . --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Call: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.73523 -0.47032 -0.01424 0.46171 3.50325 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.117183 0.031152 35.862 < 2e-16 *** comm.strat1 -0.109963 0.044055 -2.496 0.01290 * comm.strat2 -0.101131 0.025435 -3.976 8.12e-05 *** comm.strat3 -0.090642 0.017986 -5.040 6.68e-07 *** migr.freq1 -0.186473 0.031152 -5.986 4.29e-09 *** max.cpu1 -0.163288 0.031152 -5.242 2.41e-07 *** comm.strat1:migr.freq1 0.086116 0.044055 1.955 0.05121 . comm.strat2:migr.freq1 -0.024289 0.025435 -0.955 0.34011 comm.strat3:migr.freq1 0.057742 0.017986 3.210 0.00142 ** comm.strat1:max.cpu1 -0.003975 0.044055 -0.090 0.92815 comm.strat2:max.cpu1 0.015457 0.025435 0.608 0.54369 comm.strat3:max.cpu1 0.017334 0.017986 0.964 0.33567 migr.freq1:max.cpu1 -0.022854 0.031152 -0.734 0.46355 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.6825 on 467 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.2146, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1945 F-statistic: 10.64 on 12 and 467 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) comm.strat 3 22.097 7.366 15.8124 8.278e-10 *** migr.freq 1 16.691 16.691 35.8314 4.292e-09 *** max.cpu 1 12.798 12.798 27.4752 2.415e-07 *** comm.strat:migr.freq 3 7.006 2.335 5.0132 0.001979 ** comm.strat:max.cpu 3 0.608 0.203 0.4354 0.727758 migr.freq:max.cpu 1 0.251 0.251 0.5382 0.463547 Residuals 467 217.534 0.466 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Tables of means Grand mean 1.117183 comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 1.419 1.199 1.006 0.845 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 1.304 0.931 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 1.280 0.954 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC 1.725 1.113 HC 1.333 1.065 R 1.298 0.713 RW 0.859 0.832 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 1.611 1.227 HC 1.399 0.999 R 1.155 0.856 RW 0.957 0.734 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed 1.444 1.163 increasing 1.117 0.745 Standard errors for differences of means comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.0881 0.0623 0.0623 0.1246 0.1246 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.0881 replic. 120 Tables of effects comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 0.3017 0.0818 -0.1116 -0.2719 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 0.1865 -0.1865 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 0.1633 -0.1633 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC 0.1196 -0.1196 HC -0.0527 0.0527 R 0.1063 -0.1063 RW -0.1732 0.1732 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 0.0288 -0.0288 HC 0.0368 -0.0368 R -0.0136 0.0136 RW -0.0520 0.0520 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed -0.02285 0.02285 increasing 0.02285 -0.02285 Standard errors of effects comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.0623 0.0441 0.0441 0.0881 0.0881 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.0623 replic. 120 postscript 2 postscript 2 Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) $comm.strat diff lwr upr p adj HC-FC -0.2199258 -0.4471025 0.007250921 0.0618255 R-FC -0.4133545 -0.6405313 -0.186177802 0.0000212 RW-FC -0.5736619 -0.8008386 -0.346485168 0.0000000 R-HC -0.1934287 -0.4206055 0.033748007 0.1260188 RW-HC -0.3537361 -0.5809128 -0.126559360 0.0004023 RW-R -0.1603074 -0.3874841 0.066869363 0.2654496 $migr.freq diff lwr upr p adj increasing-fixed -0.3729465 -0.495377 -0.2505160 0 $max.cpu diff lwr upr p adj 8-4 -0.3265766 -0.4490071 -0.2041461 2e-07 $`comm.strat:migr.freq` diff lwr upr p adj HC:fixed-FC:fixed -0.39215686 -0.7715527 -0.01276101 0.0369775 R:fixed-FC:fixed -0.42660307 -0.8059989 -0.04720722 0.0153771 RW:fixed-FC:fixed -0.86645469 -1.2458505 -0.48705884 0.0000000 FC:increasing-FC:fixed -0.61208267 -0.9914785 -0.23268682 0.0000341 HC:increasing-FC:fixed -0.65977742 -1.0391733 -0.28038157 0.0000051 R:increasing-FC:fixed -1.01218866 -1.3915845 -0.63279281 0.0000000 RW:increasing-FC:fixed -0.89295178 -1.2723476 -0.51355592 0.0000000 R:fixed-HC:fixed -0.03444621 -0.4138421 0.34494964 0.9999939 RW:fixed-HC:fixed -0.47429783 -0.8536937 -0.09490197 0.0039547 FC:increasing-HC:fixed -0.21992581 -0.5993217 0.15947005 0.6441939 HC:increasing-HC:fixed -0.26762056 -0.6470164 0.11177529 0.3858835 R:increasing-HC:fixed -0.62003180 -0.9994277 -0.24063594 0.0000250 RW:increasing-HC:fixed -0.50079491 -0.8801908 -0.12139906 0.0017386 RW:fixed-R:fixed -0.43985162 -0.8192475 -0.06045576 0.0107172 FC:increasing-R:fixed -0.18547960 -0.5648755 0.19391626 0.8134577 HC:increasing-R:fixed -0.23317435 -0.6125702 0.14622150 0.5714365 R:increasing-R:fixed -0.58558559 -0.9649814 -0.20618973 0.0000930 RW:increasing-R:fixed -0.46634870 -0.8457446 -0.08695285 0.0050141 FC:increasing-RW:fixed 0.25437202 -0.1250238 0.63376787 0.4550514 HC:increasing-RW:fixed 0.20667727 -0.1727186 0.58607312 0.7139597 R:increasing-RW:fixed -0.14573397 -0.5251298 0.23366188 0.9401743 RW:increasing-RW:fixed -0.02649709 -0.4058929 0.35289877 0.9999990 HC:increasing-FC:increasing -0.04769475 -0.4270906 0.33170110 0.9999433 R:increasing-FC:increasing -0.40010599 -0.7795018 -0.02071013 0.0304436 RW:increasing-FC:increasing -0.28086910 -0.6602650 0.09852675 0.3216556 R:increasing-HC:increasing -0.35241123 -0.7318071 0.02698462 0.0905949 RW:increasing-HC:increasing -0.23317435 -0.6125702 0.14622150 0.5714365 RW:increasing-R:increasing 0.11923688 -0.2601590 0.49863274 0.9800132 $`comm.strat:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj HC:4-FC:4 -0.21197668 -0.5913725 0.167419172 0.6865726 R:4-FC:4 -0.45574987 -0.8351457 -0.076354013 0.0068346 RW:4-FC:4 -0.65447801 -1.0338739 -0.275082153 0.0000063 FC:8-FC:4 -0.38420774 -0.7636036 -0.004811883 0.0446912 HC:8-FC:4 -0.61208267 -0.9914785 -0.232686817 0.0000341 R:8-FC:4 -0.75516693 -1.1345628 -0.375771077 0.0000001 RW:8-FC:4 -0.87705352 -1.2564494 -0.497657670 0.0000000 R:4-HC:4 -0.24377318 -0.6231690 0.135622669 0.5127752 RW:4-HC:4 -0.44250132 -0.8218972 -0.063105471 0.0099555 FC:8-HC:4 -0.17223105 -0.5516269 0.207164800 0.8651461 HC:8-HC:4 -0.40010599 -0.7795018 -0.020710134 0.0304436 R:8-HC:4 -0.54319025 -0.9225861 -0.163794395 0.0004248 RW:8-HC:4 -0.66507684 -1.0444727 -0.285680987 0.0000041 RW:4-R:4 -0.19872814 -0.5781240 0.180667714 0.7533647 FC:8-R:4 0.07154213 -0.3078537 0.450937985 0.9991527 HC:8-R:4 -0.15633280 -0.5357287 0.223063051 0.9147452 R:8-R:4 -0.29941706 -0.6788129 0.079978790 0.2423109 RW:8-R:4 -0.42130366 -0.8006995 -0.041907802 0.0177023 FC:8-RW:4 0.27027027 -0.1091256 0.649666124 0.3725952 HC:8-RW:4 0.04239534 -0.3370005 0.421791191 0.9999746 R:8-RW:4 -0.10068892 -0.4800848 0.278706930 0.9926448 RW:8-RW:4 -0.22257552 -0.6019714 0.156820338 0.6298008 HC:8-FC:8 -0.22787493 -0.6072708 0.151520920 0.6007362 R:8-FC:8 -0.37095919 -0.7503550 0.008436660 0.0606009 RW:8-FC:8 -0.49284579 -0.8722416 -0.113449933 0.0022355 R:8-HC:8 -0.14308426 -0.5224801 0.236311593 0.9456141 RW:8-HC:8 -0.26497085 -0.6443667 0.114425001 0.3993711 RW:8-R:8 -0.12188659 -0.5012824 0.257509262 0.9773436 $`migr.freq:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj increasing:4-fixed:4 -0.3272390 -0.5544157 -0.10006227 0.0013041 fixed:8-fixed:4 -0.2808691 -0.5080458 -0.05369237 0.0083044 increasing:8-fixed:4 -0.6995231 -0.9266998 -0.47234632 0.0000000 fixed:8-increasing:4 0.0463699 -0.1808068 0.27354663 0.9527123 increasing:8-increasing:4 -0.3722840 -0.5994608 -0.14510732 0.0001681 increasing:8-fixed:8 -0.4186539 -0.6458307 -0.19147722 0.0000160 postscript 2 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr 4 == 0 1.2805 1.1816 1.3793 8 == 0 0.9539 0.8551 1.0527 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr fixed == 0 1.3037 1.2048 1.4025 increasing == 0 0.9307 0.8319 1.0295 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.5002 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr FC == 0 1.4189 1.2631 1.5747 HC == 0 1.1990 1.0432 1.3548 R == 0 1.0056 0.8498 1.1613 RW == 0 0.8453 0.6895 1.0010 95% family-wise confidence level postscript 2 Test stat Pr(>|t|) comm.strat NA NA migr.freq NA NA max.cpu NA NA Tukey test 1.842401 0.06541645 postscript 2 postscript 2