Warning message: In trellis.par.postscript 2 postscript 2 Analysis of Variance Table Model 1: best ~ (comm.strat + migLoading required package: grid Loading required package: mvtnorm .cpu)^2 Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) 1 464 7.7443 2 467 7.8020 -3 -0.0577 1.1517 0.3278 Call: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.32187 -0.08591 -0.01187 0.07264 0.58418 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.3770475 0.0058996 63.911 < 2e-16 *** comm.strat1 0.0019075 0.0083433 0.229 0.819259 comm.strat2 -0.0106422 0.0048170 -2.209 0.027639 * comm.strat3 -0.0037241 0.0034061 -1.093 0.274800 migr.freq1 -0.0288682 0.0058996 -4.893 1.37e-06 *** max.cpu1 -0.0302150 0.0058996 -5.122 4.44e-07 *** comm.strat1:migr.freq1 0.0005371 0.0083433 0.064 0.948699 comm.strat2:migr.freq1 0.0045766 0.0048170 0.950 0.342559 comm.strat3:migr.freq1 0.0121739 0.0034061 3.574 0.000388 *** comm.strat1:max.cpu1 0.0048885 0.0083433 0.586 0.558215 comm.strat2:max.cpu1 -0.0036620 0.0048170 -0.760 0.447505 comm.strat3:max.cpu1 -0.0033926 0.0034061 -0.996 0.319755 migr.freq1:max.cpu1 -0.0131381 0.0058996 -2.227 0.026427 * --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.1293 on 467 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.1413, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1193 F-statistic: 6.405 on 12 and 467 DF, p-value: 1.410e-10 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) comm.strat 3 0.1024 0.0341 2.0429 0.107064 migr.freq 1 0.4000 0.4000 23.9438 1.368e-06 *** max.cpu 1 0.4382 0.4382 26.2301 4.441e-07 *** comm.strat:migr.freq 3 0.2286 0.0762 4.5604 0.003673 ** comm.strat:max.cpu 3 0.0320 0.0107 0.6378 0.590992 migr.freq:max.cpu 1 0.0829 0.0829 4.9593 0.026427 * Residuals 467 7.8020 0.0167 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Tables of means Grand mean 0.3770475 comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 0.390 0.393 0.359 0.366 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 0.406 0.348 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 0.407 0.347 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC 0.436 0.343 HC 0.438 0.348 R 0.391 0.328 RW 0.358 0.374 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 0.418 0.361 HC 0.412 0.375 R 0.394 0.325 RW 0.406 0.325 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed 0.423 0.389 increasing 0.392 0.305 Standard errors for differences of means comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.0167 0.0118 0.0118 0.0236 0.0236 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.0167 replic. 120 Tables of effects comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 0.01246 0.01627 -0.01756 -0.01117 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 0.02887 -0.02887 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 0.03022 -0.03022 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC 0.0173 -0.0173 HC 0.0162 -0.0162 R 0.0030 -0.0030 RW -0.0365 0.0365 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC -0.00217 0.00217 HC -0.01194 0.01194 R 0.00393 -0.00393 RW 0.01018 -0.01018 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed -0.01314 0.01314 increasing 0.01314 -0.01314 Standard errors of effects comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.01180 0.00834 0.00834 0.01669 0.01669 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.01180 replic. 120 postscript 2 postscript 2 Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) $comm.strat diff lwr upr p adj HC-FC 0.003815005 -0.03920816 0.046838175 0.9957846 R-FC -0.030019038 -0.07304221 0.013004132 0.2750907 RW-FC -0.023631225 -0.06665439 0.019391945 0.4898240 R-HC -0.033834044 -0.07685721 0.009189126 0.1792955 RW-HC -0.027446230 -0.07046940 0.015576939 0.3545174 RW-R 0.006387813 -0.03663536 0.049410983 0.9808979 $migr.freq diff lwr upr p adj increasing-fixed -0.0577364 -0.08092253 -0.03455027 1.4e-06 $max.cpu diff lwr upr p adj 8-4 -0.06043004 -0.08361617 -0.03724391 4e-07 $`comm.strat:migr.freq` diff lwr upr p adj HC:fixed-FC:fixed 0.002740792 -0.06910993 0.074591515 1.0000000 R:fixed-FC:fixed -0.044285891 -0.11613661 0.027564832 0.5677238 RW:fixed-FC:fixed -0.077440631 -0.14929135 -0.005589908 0.0244046 FC:increasing-FC:fixed -0.092311637 -0.16416236 -0.020460914 0.0026464 HC:increasing-FC:fixed -0.087422418 -0.15927314 -0.015571695 0.0057628 R:increasing-FC:fixed -0.108063822 -0.17991455 -0.036213099 0.0001610 RW:increasing-FC:fixed -0.062133456 -0.13398418 0.009717267 0.1468193 R:fixed-HC:fixed -0.047026683 -0.11887741 0.024824040 0.4878477 RW:fixed-HC:fixed -0.080181423 -0.15203215 -0.008330700 0.0167541 FC:increasing-HC:fixed -0.095052429 -0.16690315 -0.023201706 0.0016778 HC:increasing-HC:fixed -0.090163210 -0.16201393 -0.018312487 0.0037461 R:increasing-HC:fixed -0.110804614 -0.18265534 -0.038953891 0.0000947 RW:increasing-HC:fixed -0.064874248 -0.13672497 0.006976475 0.1108491 RW:fixed-R:fixed -0.033154740 -0.10500546 0.038695983 0.8548462 FC:increasing-R:fixed -0.048025746 -0.11987647 0.023824977 0.4592425 HC:increasing-R:fixed -0.043136527 -0.11498725 0.028714196 0.6012854 R:increasing-R:fixed -0.063777931 -0.13562865 0.008072792 0.1243118 RW:increasing-R:fixed -0.017847565 -0.08969829 0.054003158 0.9950987 FC:increasing-RW:fixed -0.014871006 -0.08672173 0.056979717 0.9984513 HC:increasing-RW:fixed -0.009981787 -0.08183251 0.061868936 0.9998886 R:increasing-RW:fixed -0.030623191 -0.10247391 0.041227532 0.8995511 RW:increasing-RW:fixed 0.015307175 -0.05654355 0.087157898 0.9981359 HC:increasing-FC:increasing 0.004889219 -0.06696150 0.076739942 0.9999992 R:increasing-FC:increasing -0.015752185 -0.08760291 0.056098538 0.9977621 RW:increasing-FC:increasing 0.030178181 -0.04167254 0.102028904 0.9063969 R:increasing-HC:increasing -0.020641404 -0.09249213 0.051209319 0.9881627 RW:increasing-HC:increasing 0.025288962 -0.04656176 0.097139685 0.9623699 RW:increasing-R:increasing 0.045930366 -0.02592036 0.117781089 0.5196428 $`comm.strat:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj HC:4-FC:4 -0.0059619590 -0.07781268 0.065888764 0.9999967 R:4-FC:4 -0.0239215132 -0.09577224 0.047929210 0.9723010 RW:4-FC:4 -0.0112873470 -0.08313807 0.060563376 0.9997461 FC:8-FC:4 -0.0560978197 -0.12794854 0.015752903 0.2550483 HC:8-FC:4 -0.0425058500 -0.11435657 0.029344873 0.6195841 R:8-FC:4 -0.0922143830 -0.16406511 -0.020363660 0.0026889 RW:8-FC:4 -0.0920729227 -0.16392365 -0.020222200 0.0027518 R:4-HC:4 -0.0179595542 -0.08981028 0.053891169 0.9949054 RW:4-HC:4 -0.0053253880 -0.07717611 0.066525335 0.9999985 FC:8-HC:4 -0.0501358608 -0.12198658 0.021714862 0.4005855 HC:8-HC:4 -0.0365438910 -0.10839461 0.035306832 0.7804481 R:8-HC:4 -0.0862524240 -0.15810315 -0.014401701 0.0068957 RW:8-HC:4 -0.0861109638 -0.15796169 -0.014260241 0.0070457 RW:4-R:4 0.0126341662 -0.05921656 0.084484889 0.9994641 FC:8-R:4 -0.0321763066 -0.10402703 0.039674416 0.8732789 HC:8-R:4 -0.0185843368 -0.09043506 0.053266386 0.9937131 R:8-R:4 -0.0682928698 -0.14014359 0.003557853 0.0761134 RW:8-R:4 -0.0681514096 -0.14000213 0.003699313 0.0773491 FC:8-RW:4 -0.0448104728 -0.11666120 0.027040250 0.5523683 HC:8-RW:4 -0.0312185030 -0.10306923 0.040632220 0.8899177 R:8-RW:4 -0.0809270360 -0.15277776 -0.009076313 0.0150838 RW:8-RW:4 -0.0807855758 -0.15263630 -0.008934853 0.0153887 HC:8-FC:8 0.0135919698 -0.05825875 0.085442693 0.9991350 R:8-FC:8 -0.0361165632 -0.10796729 0.035734160 0.7906682 RW:8-FC:8 -0.0359751030 -0.10782583 0.035875620 0.7940016 R:8-HC:8 -0.0497085330 -0.12155926 0.022142190 0.4122327 RW:8-HC:8 -0.0495670728 -0.12141780 0.022283650 0.4161166 RW:8-R:8 0.0001414602 -0.07170926 0.071992183 1.0000000 $`migr.freq:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj increasing:4-fixed:4 -0.031460164 -0.07448333 0.011563006 0.2357168 fixed:8-fixed:4 -0.034153803 -0.07717697 0.008869367 0.1724966 increasing:8-fixed:4 -0.118166440 -0.16118961 -0.075143270 0.0000000 fixed:8-increasing:4 -0.002693638 -0.04571681 0.040329531 0.9985015 increasing:8-increasing:4 -0.086706276 -0.12972945 -0.043683106 0.0000018 increasing:8-fixed:8 -0.084012637 -0.12703581 -0.040989467 0.0000041 postscript 2 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr 4 == 0 0.4073 0.3885 0.4260 8 == 0 0.3468 0.3281 0.3656 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr fixed == 0 0.4059 0.3872 0.4246 increasing == 0 0.3482 0.3295 0.3669 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.5002 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr FC == 0 0.3895 0.3600 0.4190 HC == 0 0.3933 0.3638 0.4228 R == 0 0.3595 0.3300 0.3890 RW == 0 0.3659 0.3364 0.3954 95% family-wise confidence level postscript 2 Test stat Pr(>|t|) comm.strat NA NA migr.freq NA NA max.cpu NA NA Tukey test -1.334192 0.1821411 postscript 2 postscript 2