Warning message: In trellis.par.postscript 2 postscript 2 Analysis of Variance Table Model 1: best ~ (comm.strat + migLoading required package: grid Loading required package: mvtnorm .cpu)^2 Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) 1 464 1.05761 2 467 1.06720 -3 -0.00959 1.403 0.2412 Call: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.100720 -0.029008 -0.001693 0.021664 0.329100 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.060808 0.002182 27.869 < 2e-16 *** comm.strat1 -0.003898 0.003086 -1.263 0.207151 comm.strat2 -0.006547 0.001782 -3.675 0.000266 *** comm.strat3 -0.009564 0.001260 -7.592 1.73e-13 *** migr.freq1 -0.005471 0.002182 -2.507 0.012508 * max.cpu1 -0.011250 0.002182 -5.156 3.74e-07 *** comm.strat1:migr.freq1 0.001821 0.003086 0.590 0.555383 comm.strat2:migr.freq1 -0.004941 0.001782 -2.774 0.005766 ** comm.strat3:migr.freq1 0.001954 0.001260 1.551 0.121563 comm.strat1:max.cpu1 0.003025 0.003086 0.980 0.327439 comm.strat2:max.cpu1 -0.001410 0.001782 -0.791 0.429199 comm.strat3:max.cpu1 0.001492 0.001260 1.185 0.236737 migr.freq1:max.cpu1 0.001242 0.002182 0.569 0.569607 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.0478 on 467 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.2036, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1831 F-statistic: 9.947 on 12 and 467 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) comm.strat 3 0.16622 0.05541 24.2461 1.345e-14 *** migr.freq 1 0.01437 0.01437 6.2860 0.01251 * max.cpu 1 0.06075 0.06075 26.5822 3.737e-07 *** comm.strat:migr.freq 3 0.02387 0.00796 3.4823 0.01587 * comm.strat:max.cpu 3 0.00683 0.00228 0.9969 0.39406 migr.freq:max.cpu 1 0.00074 0.00074 0.3238 0.56961 Residuals 467 1.06720 0.00229 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Tables of means Grand mean 0.06080841 comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 0.0808 0.0730 0.0573 0.0321 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 0.0663 0.0553 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 0.0721 0.0496 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC 0.0851 0.0765 HC 0.0737 0.0724 R 0.0746 0.0400 RW 0.0317 0.0325 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 0.0952 0.0665 HC 0.0813 0.0647 R 0.0728 0.0417 RW 0.0389 0.0253 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed 0.0788 0.0538 increasing 0.0653 0.0453 Standard errors for differences of means comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.00617 0.00436 0.00436 0.00873 0.00873 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.00617 replic. 120 Tables of effects comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 0.02001 0.01221 -0.00353 -0.02869 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 0.00547 -0.00547 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 0.01125 -0.01125 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC -0.00117 0.00117 HC -0.00481 0.00481 R 0.01184 -0.01184 RW -0.00586 0.00586 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 0.00311 -0.00311 HC -0.00294 0.00294 R 0.00431 -0.00431 RW -0.00448 0.00448 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed 0.001242 -0.001242 increasing -0.001242 0.001242 Standard errors of effects comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.00436 0.00309 0.00309 0.00617 0.00617 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.00436 replic. 120 postscript 2 postscript 2 Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) $comm.strat diff lwr upr p adj HC-FC -0.007795757 -0.02370773 0.008116211 0.5868849 R-FC -0.023537769 -0.03944974 -0.007625800 0.0008902 RW-FC -0.048700908 -0.06461288 -0.032788939 0.0000000 R-HC -0.015742012 -0.03165398 0.000169957 0.0537255 RW-HC -0.040905151 -0.05681712 -0.024993182 0.0000000 RW-R -0.025163139 -0.04107511 -0.009251170 0.0003116 $migr.freq diff lwr upr p adj increasing-fixed -0.01094115 -0.01951646 -0.002365841 0.0125078 $max.cpu diff lwr upr p adj 8-4 -0.02249934 -0.03107465 -0.01392403 4e-07 $`comm.strat:migr.freq` diff lwr upr p adj HC:fixed-FC:fixed -0.0114377905 -0.03801153 0.015135948 0.8947226 R:fixed-FC:fixed -0.0105348070 -0.03710855 0.016038931 0.9296994 RW:fixed-FC:fixed -0.0533964218 -0.07997016 -0.026822684 0.0000001 FC:increasing-FC:fixed -0.0086084423 -0.03518218 0.017965296 0.9762512 HC:increasing-FC:fixed -0.0127621662 -0.03933590 0.013811572 0.8270599 R:increasing-FC:fixed -0.0451491729 -0.07172291 -0.018575435 0.0000094 RW:increasing-FC:fixed -0.0526138361 -0.07918757 -0.026040098 0.0000001 R:fixed-HC:fixed 0.0009029835 -0.02567075 0.027476722 1.0000000 RW:fixed-HC:fixed -0.0419586313 -0.06853237 -0.015384893 0.0000561 FC:increasing-HC:fixed 0.0028293482 -0.02374439 0.029403086 0.9999817 HC:increasing-HC:fixed -0.0013243757 -0.02789811 0.025249362 0.9999999 R:increasing-HC:fixed -0.0337113824 -0.06028512 -0.007137644 0.0031971 RW:increasing-HC:fixed -0.0411760457 -0.06774978 -0.014602308 0.0000854 RW:fixed-R:fixed -0.0428616148 -0.06943535 -0.016287877 0.0000343 FC:increasing-R:fixed 0.0019263647 -0.02464737 0.028500103 0.9999987 HC:increasing-R:fixed -0.0022273592 -0.02880110 0.024346379 0.9999965 R:increasing-R:fixed -0.0346143659 -0.06118810 -0.008040628 0.0021429 RW:increasing-R:fixed -0.0420790291 -0.06865277 -0.015505291 0.0000526 FC:increasing-RW:fixed 0.0447879795 0.01821424 0.071361718 0.0000116 HC:increasing-RW:fixed 0.0406342556 0.01406052 0.067207994 0.0001137 R:increasing-RW:fixed 0.0082472489 -0.01832649 0.034820987 0.9814063 RW:increasing-RW:fixed 0.0007825857 -0.02579115 0.027356324 1.0000000 HC:increasing-FC:increasing -0.0041537239 -0.03072746 0.022420014 0.9997545 R:increasing-FC:increasing -0.0365407306 -0.06311447 -0.009966992 0.0008803 RW:increasing-FC:increasing -0.0440053938 -0.07057913 -0.017431656 0.0000181 R:increasing-HC:increasing -0.0323870067 -0.05896074 -0.005813269 0.0056338 RW:increasing-HC:increasing -0.0398516699 -0.06642541 -0.013277932 0.0001708 RW:increasing-R:increasing -0.0074646632 -0.03403840 0.019109075 0.9896430 $`comm.strat:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj HC:4-FC:4 -0.013845746 -0.0404194845 0.012727992 0.7584031 R:4-FC:4 -0.022333791 -0.0489075290 0.004239947 0.1739197 RW:4-FC:4 -0.056285969 -0.0828597070 -0.029712231 0.0000000 FC:8-FC:4 -0.028714874 -0.0552886121 -0.002141136 0.0237586 HC:8-FC:4 -0.030460642 -0.0570343801 -0.003886904 0.0122873 R:8-FC:4 -0.053456621 -0.0800303588 -0.026882883 0.0000001 RW:8-FC:4 -0.069830721 -0.0964044588 -0.043256983 0.0000000 R:4-HC:4 -0.008488044 -0.0350617826 0.018085694 0.9780754 RW:4-HC:4 -0.042440222 -0.0690139606 -0.015866484 0.0000432 FC:8-HC:4 -0.014869128 -0.0414428657 0.011704611 0.6849399 HC:8-HC:4 -0.016614896 -0.0431886337 0.009958843 0.5490525 R:8-HC:4 -0.039610874 -0.0661846124 -0.013037136 0.0001933 RW:8-HC:4 -0.055984974 -0.0825587125 -0.029411236 0.0000000 RW:4-R:4 -0.033952178 -0.0605259161 -0.007378440 0.0028767 FC:8-R:4 -0.006381083 -0.0329548212 0.020192655 0.9960286 HC:8-R:4 -0.008126851 -0.0347005892 0.018446887 0.9829207 R:8-R:4 -0.031122830 -0.0576965679 -0.004549092 0.0094552 RW:8-R:4 -0.047496930 -0.0740706680 -0.020923192 0.0000024 FC:8-RW:4 0.027571095 0.0009973568 0.054144833 0.0356776 HC:8-RW:4 0.025825327 -0.0007484112 0.052399065 0.0637249 R:8-RW:4 0.002829348 -0.0237443900 0.029403086 0.9999817 RW:8-RW:4 -0.013544752 -0.0401184900 0.013028986 0.7785407 HC:8-FC:8 -0.001745768 -0.0283195061 0.024827970 0.9999993 R:8-FC:8 -0.024741747 -0.0513154848 0.001831991 0.0890360 RW:8-FC:8 -0.041115847 -0.0676895849 -0.014542109 0.0000882 R:8-HC:8 -0.022995979 -0.0495697168 0.003577759 0.1461851 RW:8-HC:8 -0.039370079 -0.0659438169 -0.012796341 0.0002187 RW:8-R:8 -0.016374100 -0.0429478381 0.010199638 0.5681100 $`migr.freq:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj increasing:4-fixed:4 -0.013424354 -0.02933632 0.002487615 0.1316733 fixed:8-fixed:4 -0.024982542 -0.04089451 -0.009070574 0.0003512 increasing:8-fixed:4 -0.033440487 -0.04935246 -0.017528519 0.0000006 fixed:8-increasing:4 -0.011558188 -0.02747016 0.004353780 0.2411851 increasing:8-increasing:4 -0.020016133 -0.03592810 -0.004104165 0.0069161 increasing:8-fixed:8 -0.008457945 -0.02436991 0.007454024 0.5185459 postscript 2 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr 4 == 0 0.07206 0.06514 0.07898 8 == 0 0.04956 0.04264 0.05648 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr fixed == 0 0.06628 0.05936 0.07320 increasing == 0 0.05534 0.04842 0.06226 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.5002 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr FC == 0 0.08082 0.06991 0.09173 HC == 0 0.07302 0.06211 0.08393 R == 0 0.05728 0.04637 0.06819 RW == 0 0.03212 0.02121 0.04303 95% family-wise confidence level postscript 2 Test stat Pr(>|t|) comm.strat NA NA migr.freq NA NA max.cpu NA NA Tukey test 1.000533 0.3170525 postscript 2 postscript 2