ANOVA null device 1 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) comm.strat 3 0.2379 0.0793 3.7311 0.011027 * migr.freq 1 0.1298 0.1298 6.1053 0.013654 * max.cpu 1 1.7846 1.7846 83.9557 < 2.2e-16 *** instance 1 5.7621 5.7621 271.0789 < 2.2e-16 *** comm.strat:migr.freq 3 0.3172 0.1057 4.9742 0.001983 ** comm.strat:max.cpu 3 0.0509 0.0170 0.7986 0.494727 comm.strat:instance 3 0.1531 0.0510 2.4005 0.066435 . migr.freq:max.cpu 1 0.0136 0.0136 0.6375 0.424834 migr.freq:instance 1 0.0043 0.0043 0.2014 0.653720 max.cpu:instance 1 0.0421 0.0421 1.9816 0.159556 Residuals 941 20.0022 0.0213 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 null device 1 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu + instance)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.24 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr 4 == 0 0.5223 0.5074 0.5372 8 == 0 0.4361 0.4212 0.4510 95% family-wise confidence level null device 1 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu + instance)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.24 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr d1655 == 0 0.4017 0.3868 0.4166 pr2392 == 0 0.5567 0.5418 0.5716 95% family-wise confidence level null device 1 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu + instance)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.24 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr d == 0 0.4676 0.4527 0.4825 s == 0 0.4908 0.4759 0.5057 95% family-wise confidence level null device 1 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu + instance)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.4955 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr FC == 0 0.4787 0.4552 0.5022 HC == 0 0.5025 0.4790 0.5260 R == 0 0.4775 0.4540 0.5010 RW == 0 0.4581 0.4346 0.4816 95% family-wise confidence level null device 1