On 2019-06-14 at 14:00:00 (Brussels Time) |
I explain what are Universal Digital Machine, and why they have a rich theology quite comparable to the theology of Proclus and other Neoplatonicians. Such theologies incorpore the physical sciences, and so can be tested experimentally. I will argue that both the theory and the experimental results favours much more Mechanism than Aristotelian (believing in Ontological Matter) theologies. I will also explain why such theologies, each time they were "mainstream" have led the humans to science, dialog, respect of truth and research, open to critics and improvement, but also to prosperity and peace, and why, in contrary, the Aristotelian theologies leads to unintelligible dualities or to the elimination of consciousness and persons, and why it leads to conflicts and pseudo-religious war. That is why I suggest it could be important to come back to Reason in that fundamental field of inquiry.
cognitive sciences, universal digital machine