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Sensory-motor Coordination in Gaze Control
G. de Croon
Universiteit Maastricht;; Department of Computer Science
On 2005-04-19 at 14:30:00 (Brussels Time)


In the field of artificial intelligence, there is a considerable interest in the notion of sensory-motor coordination as an explanation for intelligent behaviour. However, there has been little research on sensory-motor coordination in tasks that go beyond low-level behavioural tasks. In the presentation, I will discuss experiments that show that sensory-motor coordination can also enhance performance on a high-level task: artificial gaze control for gender recognition in natural images. To investigate the advantage of sensory-motor coordination, we compare a non-situated model of gaze control (incapable of sensory-motor coordination) with a situated model of gaze control (capable of sensory-motor coordination). The non-situated model of gaze control shifts the gaze according to a fixed set of locations, optimised by an evolutionary algorithm. The situated model of gaze control determines gaze shifts on the basis of local inputs in a visual scene. An evolutionary algorithm optimises the model's gaze control policy. From the experiments performed, we may conclude that sensory-motor coordination contributes to artificial gaze control for the high-level task of gender recognition in natural ima ges: the situated model outperforms the non-situated model. The mechanism of sensory-motor coordination establishes dependencies between multiple actions and observations that are exploited to optimise categorisation performance.


sensory-motor coordination, gaze control, evolutionary algorithms