Special Issue on Ant Colony Optimization of

Swarm Intelligence




Guest editors:

Karl Doerner, Universität Wien, karl.doerner no-spam univie.ac.at

Daniel Merkle, Universität Leipzig, merkle no-spam informatik.uni-leipzig.de

Thomas Stützle, Université Libre de Bruxelles, stuetzle no-spam ulb.ac.be




Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one of the most successful techniques of the wider field of swarm intelligence. The first ACO algorithms have been proposed more than 15 years ago. Since then, significant contributions on algorithmic variants, challenging application problems, and theoretical foundations have been obtained. These have established ACO as a mature, high-performing metaheuristic for the solution of difficult optimization problems.


This journal special issue solicits high-quality scientific contributions on Ant Colony Optimization. While papers on any aspect of ACO are welcome, of special interest are submissions on


-       ACO algorithms for high-impact applications,

-       applications of ACO algorithms to real-world problems,

-       applications of ACO algorithms to stochastic, dynamic, and multi-objective optimization problems,

-       novel combinations of ACO algorithms with other AI/OR techniques like constraint programming or mathematical programming,

-       theoretical advances on ACO.


All researchers are invited to submit original work on topics relevant for this special issue. The submission deadline is November 1, 2007. The publication of the special issue is tentatively scheduled for late summer 2008.

Authors should submit their manuscripts to the Swarm Intelligence Editorial Manager at http://www.editorialmanager.com/swrm. Please, select "Special Issue on Ant Colony Optimization" as the article type. When submitting a paper, please send at the same time also an email to Thomas Stützle (stuetzle no-spam ulb.ac.be) with paper title and author list to inform about the submission.