Call for Papers

The 2001 ECSQARU Conference will be devoted to methods for reasoning and decision making  under uncertainty, including both qualitative and numeric methods, as applied to problems in artificial intelligence.  We seek papers on fundamental theoretical issues, on  representational  issues, on  computational  techniques, and  on applications of uncertain reasoning using traditional or alternative paradigms of uncertain reasoning.

Topics of Interest:  Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Submission  of  Papers:
Submitted  papers  will  be  evaluated  on  the  basis  of  originality,  significance,  technical  soundness, and clarity of exposition. We strongly encourage electronic submission of papers. To submit a paper electronically, send  an Email  message  to both  of  the Program Co-Chairs (see email addresses below) that includes the  following  information  (in  this  order): Authors unable to submit papers electronically should send the first four items electronically to the  Email  addresses  below,  and  5  copies
 of  the complete paper to one of the Program Co-Chairs at the addresses listed below.

Instructions for preparing papers in proceedings format
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag as a volume in the LNCS/LNAI series:

Hence we strongly recommend the authors to submit their paper in LNCS/LNAI format. Instructions for authors can be found at

If you are a LaTeX2e u ser, you can directly dowload the lncs macro-package pub/tex/latex/llncs/latex2e/

Papers length:
Submited papers should not be longer than 12 pages.

Important dates: The following is a provisional table:
       Submission of papers: March 30th, 2001
       Acceptance decision by: May 1st,  2001
       Camera ready copy due: June 1st, 2001

Salem Benferhat
IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier
118 route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex 04,  France
Tel: +33 5 61 55 85 51
Fax: +33 5 61 55 62 39
Philippe Besnard
IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier
118 route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex 04,  France
Tel: +33 5 61 55 81 23
Fax: +33 5 61 55 62 39