Swarm Intelligence Journal Publications [ bib-all ]
Volume 16 [ bib-vol16 ]
Number 4 / December 2022 [ bib-vol16-num4 ]
F. d’Amore and A. Clementi and E. Natale.
Phase transition of a nonlinear opinion dynamics with noisy interactions.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(4):261-304, 2022.
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O. I. Oduntan and P. Thulasiraman.
Blending multiple algorithmic granular components: a recipe for clustering.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(4):305-349, 2022.
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Number 3 / September 2022 [ bib-vol16-num3 ]
S. K. Lee.
Distributed deformable configuration control for multi-robot systems with low-cost platforms.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(3):169-209, 2022.
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R. Miletitch and A. Reina and M. Dorigo and V. Trianni.
Emergent naming conventions in a foraging robot swarm.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(3):211-232, 2022.
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H. S. Shin, and T. Li and H. I. Lee, and A. Tsourdos.
Sample greedy based task allocation for multiple robot systems.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(3):233-260, 2022.
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Number 2 / June 2022 [ bib-vol16-num2 ]
A. Costanzo and H. Hildenbrandt and C. K. Hemelrijk.
Causes of variation of darkness in flocks of starlings, a computational model.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(2):91-105, 2022.
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J. Patel and P. Sonar and C. Pinciroli.
On multi-human multi-robot remote interaction: a study of transparency, inter-human communication, and information loss in remote interaction.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(2):107-142, 2022.
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P. Joćko and B. M. Ombuki-Berman and A. Engelbrecht.
Multi-guide particle swarm optimisation archive management strategies for dynamic optimisation problems.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(2):143-168, 2022.
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Number 1 / March 2022 [ bib-vol16-num1 ]
C. Aranha and C. L. Camacho Villalón and F. Campelo and M. Dorigo and R. Ruiz and M.
Sevaux and K. Sörensen and T. Stützle.
Metaphor-based metaheuristics, a call for action: the elephant in the room.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(1):1-6, 2022.
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F. Jiang and H. Cheng and G. Chen.
Collective decision-making for dynamic environments with visual occlusions.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(1):7-27, 2022.
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T. Nguyen and B. Banerjee.
Reinforcement learning as a rehearsal for swarm foraging.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(1):29-58, 2022.
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A. Hussein and S. Elsawah and E. Petraki and H. A. Abbass.
A machine education approach to swarm decision-making in best-of-n problems.
Swarm Intelligence, 16(1):59-90, 2022.
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Volume 15 [ bib-vol15 ]
Number 4 / December 2021 [ bib-vol15-num4 ]
Special Issue: ANTS 2020 Special Issue. Guest Editors: Marco Dorigo, Thomas Stützle, Maria J. Blesa Aguilera, Christian Blum, Heiko Hamann and Mary Katherine Heinrich
M. Dorigo and T. Stützle and M. J. Blesa and C. Blum and H. Hamann and M. K. Heinrich.
ANTS 2020 special issue: Editorial.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(4):311-313, 2021.
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G. De Masi and J. Prasetyo and R. Zakir and N. Mankovskii and E. Ferrante and E. Tuci.
Robot swarm democracy: the importance of informed individuals against zealots.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(4):315-338, 2021.
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N. Coucke and M. K. Heinrich and A. Cleeremans and M. Dorigo.
HuGoS: a virtual environment for studying collective human behavior from a swarm intelligence perspective.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(4):339-376, 2021.
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Q. Shan and S. Mostaghim.
Discrete collective estimation in swarm robotics with distributed Bayesian belief sharing.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(4):377-402, 2021.
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J. Bremer and S. Lehnhoff.
Ant colony optimization for feasible scheduling of step-controlled smart grid generation.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(4):403-425, 2021.
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J. Nauta and Y. Khaluf and P. Simoens.
Resource ephemerality influences effectiveness of altruistic behavior in collective foraging.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(4):427-457, 2021.
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Number 3 / September 2021 [ bib-vol15-num3 ]
D. H. Stolfi, M. R. Brust, G. Danoy and B. Pascal.
CONSOLE: intruder detection using a UAV swarm and security rings.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(3):205-235, 2021.
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K. A. Roundtree, J. R. Cody, J. Leaf, H. O. Demirel and J. A. Adams.
Human-collective visualization transparency.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(3):237-286, 2021.
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W. Shan and S. Mstaghim.
Achieving task allocation in swarm intelligence with bi-objective embodied evolution.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(3):287-310, 2021.
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Number 1-2 / June 2021 [ bib-vol15-num1-2 ]
Special Issue on Collective Decision-Making in Living and Artificial Systems. Guest Editors: Andreagiovanni Reina, Eliseo Ferrante, and Gabriele Valentini
A. Reina, E. Ferrante and G. Valentini.
Collective decision-making in living and artificial systems: editorial.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(1-2):1-6, 2021.
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J. Chang, S. Powell, E. J. H. Robinson and M. C. Donaldson-Matasci.
Nest choice in arboreal ants is an emergent consequence of network creation under spatial constraints.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(1-2):7-30, 2021.
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P. Mavrodiev and F. Schweitzer.
Enanched or distorted wisdom of crowds? An agent-based model of opinion formation under social influence.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(1-2):31-46, 2021.
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A. Franci, A. Bizayaeva, S. Park and N. E. Leonard.
Analysis and control of agreement and disagreement opinion cascades.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(1-2):47-82, 2021.
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P. Bartashevic and S. Mostaghim.
Multi-featured collective perception with Evidence Theory: tackling spatial correlations.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(1-2):83-110, 2021.
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C. Lee, J. Lawry and A. F. T. Winfield.
Negative updating applied to the best-of-n problem with noisy qualities.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(1-2):111-143, 2021.
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M. Crosscombe and J. Lawry.
Collective preference learning in the best-of-n problem.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(1-2):145-170, 2021.
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T. P. Pavlic, J. Hanson, G. Valentini, S. I. Walker and S. C. Pratt.
Quorum sensing without deliberation: biological inspiration for externalizing computation to physical spaces in multi-robot systems.
Swarm Intelligence, 15(1-2):171-203, 2021.
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Volume 14 [ bib-vol14 ]
Number 4 / December 2020 [ bib-vol14-num4 ]
V. G. Santos, A. G. Pires, R. J. Alitappeh, P. A. F. Rezeck, L. C. A. Pimenta, D. G. Macharet and L. Chaimowicz.
Spatial segregative behaviors in robotic swarms using differential potentials.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(4):259-284, 2020.
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B. Bassimir, M. Schmitt and R. Wanka.
Self-adaptive potential-based stopping criteria for Particle Swarm Optimization with forced moves.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(4):285-311, 2020.
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D. Proverbio, L. Gallo, B. Passalacqua, M. Destefanis, M. Maggiora and J. Pellegrino.
Assessing the robustness of decentralized gathering: a multi-agent approach on micro-biological systems.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(4):313-331, 2020.
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Number 3 / September 2020 [ bib-vol14-num3 ]
V. A. Kazakova, A. S. Wu and G. R. Sukthankar.
Respecializing swarms by forgetting reinforced thresholds.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(3):171-204, 2020.
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M. Moussa and G. Beltrame.
On the robustness of consensus-based behaviors for robot swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(3):205-231, 2020.
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A. S. Wu, R. P. Wiegand and R. Pradhan.
Response probability enhances robustness in decentralized threshold-based robotic swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(3):233-258, 2020.
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Number 2 / June 2020 [ bib-vol14-num2 ]
V. Trivedi, P. Varshney and M. Ramteke.
A simplified multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(2):83-116, 2020.
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A. Mirzaeinia, F. Heppner and M. Hassanalian.
An analytical study on leader and follower switching in V-shaped Canada Goose flocks for energy management purposes.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(2):117-141, 2020.
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R. Chen, B. Meyer and J. Garcia.
A computational model of task allocation in social insects: ecology and interactions alone can drive specialisation.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(2):143-170, 2020.
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Number 1 / March 2020 [ bib-vol14-num1 ]
A. Ligot and M. Birattari.
Simulation-only experiments to mimic the effects of the reality gap in the automatic design of robot swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(1):1-24, 2020.
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M. S. Talamali, T. Bose, M. Haire, J. A. R. Marshall and A. Reina.
Sophisticated collective foraging with minimalist agents: a swarm robotics test.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(1):25-56, 2020.
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C. Gabelleri, M. Tognon, D. Sanalitro, L Pallottino and A. Franchi.
A study on force-based collaboration in swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 14(1):57-82, 2020.
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Volume 13 [ bib-vol13 ]
Number 3-4 / December 2019 [ bib-vol13-num3-4 ]
Special Issue: ANTS 2018 Special Issue. Guest Editors: Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Christian Blum, Anders L. Christensen, Andreagiovanni Reina, and Vito Trianni
M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, C. Blum, A. L. Christensen, A. Reina and V. Trianni.
ANTS 2018 special issue: Editorial.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(3-4):169-172, 2019.
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C. L. Camacho-Villalón, M. Dorigo and T. Stützle.
The intelligent water drops algorithm: why it cannot be considered a novel algorithm.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(3-4):173-192, 2019.
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E. T. Oldewage, A. P. Engelbrecht and C. W. Cleghorn.
Degrees of stochasticity in particle swarm optimization..
Swarm Intelligence, 13(3-4):193-215, 2019.
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J. Pratseyo, G. De Masi and E. Ferrante.
Collective decision making in dynamic environments.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(3-4):217-243, 2019.
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C. Scheepers, A. P. Engelbrecht and C. W. Cleghorn.
Multi-guide particle swarm optimization for multi-objective optimization: empirical and stability analysis.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(3-4):245-276, 2019.
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M. Coppola, J. Guo and E. Gill.
The PageRank algorithm as a method to optimize swarm behavior trhough local analysis.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(3-4):277-319, 2019.
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I. Raush, A. Reina, P. Simoens and Y. Khaluf.
Coherent collective behaviour emerging from decentralised balancing of social feedback and noise.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(3-4):321-345, 2019.
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P. Zahadat and D. N. Hofstadler.
Toward a theory of collective resource distribution: a study of a dynamic morphogenesis controller.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(3-4):347-380, 2019.
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Number 2 / June 2019 [ bib-vol13-num2 ]
F. Saffre, G. Gianini, H. Hildmann, J. Davies, S. Bullock, E. Damiani and J.−L. Deneubourg.
Long-term memory-induced synchronisation can impair collective performance in congested systems.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(2):95-114, 2019.
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M. Siddarth, S. Wilson and M. Egerstedt.
Closed-loop task allocation in robot swarms using inter-robot encounters.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(2):115-143, 2019.
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R. Zarrouk, I. E. Bennour and A. Jemai.
A two-level particle swarm optimization algorithm for the flexible job shop scheduling problem.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(2):145-168, 2019.
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Number 1 / March 2019 [ bib-vol13-num1 ]
A. W. Schroeder, B. Trease and A. Arsie.
Balancing robot swarm cost and interference effects by varying robot quantity and size.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(1):1-19, 2019.
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G. Li, I. Svogor and G. Beltrame.
Long-term pattern formation and maintenance for battery-powered robots.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(1):21-57, 2019.
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M. Coppola, J. Guo, E. Gill and G. C. H. E. de Croon.
Provable self-organizing pattern formation by a swarm of robots with limited knowledge.
Swarm Intelligence, 13(1):59-94, 2019.
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Volume 12 [ bib-vol12 ]
Number 4 / December 2018 [ bib-vol12-num4 ]
S. Bennati.
On the role of collective sensing and evolution in group formation.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(4):267-282, 2018.
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E. Crosato, L. Jiang, V. Lecheval, J. T. Lizier, X. R. Wang, P. Tichit, G. Theraulaz and M. Prokopenko.
Informative and misinformative interactions in a school of fish.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(4):283-305, 2018.
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R. Miletitch, M. Dorigo and V. Trianni.
Balancing exploitation of renewable resources by a robot swarm.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(4):307-326, 2018.
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I. Jang, H. Shin and A. Tsourdos.
Local information-based control for probabilistic swarm distribution guidance.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(4):327-359, 2018.
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A. Šošić, A. M. Zoubir and H. Koeppl.
Correction to: Reinforcement learning in a continuum of agents.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(4):361-361, 2018.
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Number 3 / September 2018 [ bib-vol12-num3 ]
Special Issue on Self-Organised Construction. Guest Editors: Heiko Hamann, Sebastian von Mammen, and Ingo Mauser
K. R. Harrison, A. P. Engelbrecht and B. M. Ombuki-Berman.
Self-adaptive particle swarm optimization: a review and analysis of convergence.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(3):187-226, 2018.
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F. Bonnet, A. Gribovskiy, J. Halloy and F. Mondada.
Closed-loop interactions between a shoal of zebrafish and a group of robotic fish in a circular corridor.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(3):227-244, 2018.
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G. Valentini, A. Antoun, M. Trabattoni, B. Wiandt, Y. Tamura, E. Hocquard, V. Trianni and M. Dorigo.
Kilogrid: a novel experimental environment for the Kilobot robot.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(3):245-266, 2018.
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Number 2 / June 2018 [ bib-vol12-num2 ]
H. Hamann, S. von. Mammel and I. Mausert.
Special issue on self-organised construction.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(2):97-99, 2018.
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F. Saffre, H. Hildmann and J. Deneubourg.
Can individual heterogeneity influence self-organised patterns in the termite nest construction model?
Swarm Intelligence, 12(2):101-110, 2018.
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T. Wareham and A. Vardy.
Putting it together: the computational complexity of designing robot controllers and environments for distributed construction.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(2):111-128, 2018.
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N. Melenbrink and J. Werfel.
Local force cues for strength and stability in a distributed robotic construction system.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(2):129-153, 2018.
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A. Groenewolt, T. Schwinn, L. Nguyen and A. Menges.
An interactive agent-based framework for materialization-informed architectural design.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(2):155-186, 2018.
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Number 1 / March 2018 [ bib-vol12-num1 ]
C. W. Cleghorn and A. P. Engelbrecht.
Particle swarm stability: a theoretical extension using the non-stagnate distribution assumption.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(1):1-22, 2018.
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A. Šošić, A. M. Zoubir and H. Koeppl.
Reinforcement learning in a continuum of agents.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(1):23-51, 2018.
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A. Kasprzok, B. Ayalew and C. Lau.
An ant-inspired model for multi-agent interaction networks without stigmergy.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(1):53-69, 2018.
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L. Pitonakova, R. Crowder and S. Bullock.
The Information-Cost-Reward framework for understanding robot swarm foraging.
Swarm Intelligence, 12(1):71-96, 2018.
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Volume 11 [ bib-vol11 ]
Number 3-4 / December 2017 [ bib-vol11-num3-4 ]
Special Issue: ANTS 2016 Special Issue. Guest Editors: Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Xiaodong Li, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Katsunari Ohkura, Carlo Pinciroli, and Thomas Stützle
M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, X. Li, M. López-Ibáñez, K. Ohkura, C. Pinciroli and T. Stützle.
ANTS 2016 special issue: Editorial.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(3-4):181-183, 2017.
[ bib ]
M. H. M. Alkilabi, A. Narayan and E. Tuci.
Cooperative object transport with a swarm of e-puck robots: robustness and scalability of evolved collective strategies.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(3-4):185-209, 2017.
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K. M. Salama and A. M. Abdelbar.
Learning cluster-based classification systems with ant colony optimization algorithms.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(3-4):211-242, 2017.
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B. Haghighat and A. Martinoli.
Automatic synthesis of rulesets for programmable stochastic self-assembly of rotationally symmetric robotic modules.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(3-4):243-270, 2017.
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L. I. Bellaiche and A. Bruckstein.
Continuous time gathering of agents with limited visibility and bearing-only sensing.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(3-4):271-293, 2017.
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A. Erskine, T. Joyce and J. M. Herrman.
Stochastic stability of particle swarm optimisation.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(3-4):295-315, 2017.
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M. Goodwin, T. Tufteland, G. Ødesneltvedt and A. Yazidi.
PolyACO+: a multi-level polygon-based ant colony optimisation classifier.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(3-4):317-346, 2017.
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Number 2 / June 2017 [ bib-vol11-num2 ]
O. R. Castro Jr., A. Pozo, J. A. Lozano and R. Santana.
An investigation of clustering strategies in many-objective optimization: the I-Multi algorithm as a case study.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(2):101-130, 2017.
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B. Meyer.
Optimal information transfer and stochastic resonance in collective decision making.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(2):131-154, 2017.
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Y. Khaluf, C. Pinciroli, G. Valentini and H. Hamann.
The impact of agent density on scalability in collective systems: noise-induced versus majority-based bistability.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(2):155-179, 2017.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March 2017 [ bib-vol11-num1 ]
D. Aydın, G. Yavuz and T. Stützle.
ABC-X: a generalized, automatically configurable artificial bee colony framework.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(1):1-38, 2017.
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A. Schroeder, S. Ramakrishnan, K. Manish and B. Trease.
Efficient spatial coverage by a robot swarm based on an ant foraging model and the Lévy distribution.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(1):39-69, 2017.
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J. S. Falcón-Cardona and C. A. Coello Coello.
A new indicator-based many-objective ant colony optimizer for continuous search spaces.
Swarm Intelligence, 11(1):71-100, 2017.
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Volume 10 [ bib-vol10 ]
Number 4 / December 2016 [ bib-vol10-num4 ]
M. Dorigo.
Editorial: Ten years of swarm intelligence.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(4):245-246, 2016.
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L. Mondada, M. E. Karim and F. Mondada.
Electroencephalography as implicit communication channel for proximal interaction between humans and robot swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(4):247-265, 2016.
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K. R. Harrison, A. P. Engelbrecht and B. M. Ombuki-Berman.
Inertia weight control strategies for particle swarm optimization.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(4):267-305, 2016.
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A. P. Piotrowski and J. J. Napiorkowski.
Searching for structural bias in particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithms.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(4):307-353, 2016.
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Number 3 / September 2016 [ bib-vol10-num3 ]
S. Taghiyeh and J. Xu.
Turing learning: a metric-free approach to inferring behavior and its application to swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(3):161-192, 2016.
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G. Podevijn, R. O'Grady, N. Mathews, A. Gilles, C. Fantini-Hauwel and M. Dorigo.
Investigating the effect of increasing robot group sizes on the human psychophysiological state in the context of human--swarm interaction.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(3):193-210, 2016.
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W. Li, M. Gauci and R. Groß.
Turing learning: a metric-free approach to inferring behavior and its application to swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(3):211-243, 2016.
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Number 2 / June 2016 [ bib-vol10-num2 ]
E. Ampellio and L. Vassio.
A hybrid swarm-based algorithm for single-objective optimization
problems involving high-cost analyses
Swarm Intelligence, 10(2):99-121, 2016.
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H. D. Menéndez, F. E. B. Otero, and D. Camacho.
Medoid-based clustering using ant colony optimization.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(2):123-145, 2016.
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A. Kanakia, B. Touri, and N. Correll.
Modeling multi-robot task allocation with limited information as global game.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(2):147-160, 2016.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March 2016 [ bib-vol10-num1 ]
E. Castello, T. Yamamoto, F. Dalla Libera, W. Liu, A. F. T. Winfield,
Y. Nakamura, and H. Ishiguro.
Adaptive foraging for simulated and real robotic swarms: the
dynamical response threshold approach.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(1):1-31, 2016.
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L. Pitonakova, R. Crowder, and S. Bullock.
Information flow principles for plasticity in foraging robot swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(1):33-63, 2016.
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Y. K. Lopes, S. M. Trenkwalder, A. B. Leal, T. J. Dodd, and R. Groß.
Supervisory control theory applied to swarm robotics.
Swarm Intelligence, 10(1):65-97, 2016.
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Volume 9 [ bib-vol9 ]
Number 4 / December 2015 [ bib-vol9-num4 ]
K. M. Salama and A. M. Abdelbar.
Learning neural network structures with ant colony algorithms.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(4):229-265, 2015.
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E. Tuci and A. Rabérin.
On the design of generalist strategies for swarms of simulated robots
engaged in a task-allocation scenario.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(4):267-290, 2015.
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B. J. Leonard, A. P. Engelbrecht, and C. W. Cleghorn.
Critical considerations on angle modulated particle swarm optimisers.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(4):291-314, 2015.
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J. Albinati, S. E. L. Oliveira, F. E. B. Otero, and G. L. Pappa.
An ant colony-based semi-supervised approach for learning
classification rules.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(4):315-341, 2015.
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Number 2-3 / September 2015 [ bib-vol9-num2-3 ]
Special Issue: ANTS 2014 Special Issue. Guest Editors: Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Simon Garnier, Heiko Hamann, Marco A. Montes de Oca, Christine Solnon, and Thomas Stützle
M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, S. Garnier, H. Hamann, M. A. Montes de Oca,
C. Solnon, and T. Stützle.
ANTS 2014 special issue: Editorial.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):71-73, 2015.
[ bib ]
A. Reina, R. Miletitch, M. Dorigo, and V. Trianni.
A quantitative micro–macro link for collective decisions: the
shortest path discovery/selection example.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):75-102, 2015.
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L. Pérez Cáceres, M. López-Ibáñez, and T. Stützle.
Ant colony optimization on a limited budget of evaluations.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):103-124, 2015.
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G. Francesca, M. Brambilla, A. Brutschy, L. Garattoni, R. Miletitch,
G. Podevijn, A. Reina, T. Soleymani, M. Salvaro, C. Pinciroli, F. Mascia,
V. Trianni, and M. Birattari.
AutoMoDe-Chocolate: automatic design of control software for robot
Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):125-152, 2015.
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G. Valentini and H. Hamann.
Time-variant feedback processes in collective decision-making
systems: influence and effect of dynamic neighborhood sizes.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):153-176, 2015.
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A. P. Engelbrecht C. W. Cleghorn.
Particle swarm variants: standardized convergence analysis.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):177-203, 2015.
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C. Blum, B. Calvo, and M. J. Blesa.
FrogCOL and FrogMIS: new decentralized algorithms for finding large
independent sets in graphs.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):205-227, 2015.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March 2015 [ bib-vol9-num1 ]
A. Brutschy, L. Garattoni, M. Brambilla, G. Francesca, G. Pini, M. Dorigo, and
Mauro Birattari.
The TAM: abstracting complex tasks in swarm robotics research.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(1):1-22, 2015.
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J. Harvey, K. Merrick, and H. A. Abbass.
Application of chaos measures to a simplified boids flocking model.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(1):23-41, 2015.
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J. P. Hecker and M. E. Moses.
Beyond pheromones: evolving error-tolerant, flexible, and scalable
ant-inspired robot swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 9(1):43-70, 2015.
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Volume 8 [ bib-vol8 ]
Number 4 / December 2014 [ bib-vol8-num4 ]
J. Rada-Vilela, M. Johnston, and M. Zhang.
Deception, blindness and disorientation in particle swarm
optimization applied to noisy problems.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(4):247-273, 2014.
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K. M. Malan and A. P. Engelbrecht.
Characterising the searchability of continuous optimisation problems
for PSO.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(4):275-302, 2014.
[ bib ]
S. Wilson, T. P. Pavlic, G. P. Kumar, A. Buffin, S. C. Pratt, and S. Berman.
Design of ant-inspired stochastic control policies for collective
transport by robotic swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(4):303-327, 2014.
[ bib ]
G. Sartoretti, M. Hongler, M. Elias de Oliveira, and F. Mondada.
Decentralized self-selection of swarm trajectories: from dynamical
systems theory to robotic implementation.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(4):329-351, 2014.
[ bib ]
Number 3 / September 2014 [ bib-vol8-num3 ]
M. R. Bonyadi and Z. Michalewicz.
A locally convergent rotationally invariant particle swarm
optimization algorithm.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(3):159-198, 2014.
[ bib ]
A. Abdul Khaliq, M. Di Rocco, and A. Saffiotti.
Stigmergic algorithms for multiple minimalistic robots on an RFID
Swarm Intelligence, 8(3):199-225, 2014.
[ bib ]
R. Fujisawa, S. Dobata, K. Sugawara, and F. Matsuno.
Designing pheromone communication in swarm robotics: Group foraging
behavior mediated by chemical substance.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(3):227-246, 2014.
[ bib ]
Number 2 / June 2014 [ bib-vol8-num2 ]
G. Francesca, M. Brambilla, A. Brutschy, V. Trianni, and M. Birattari.
AutoMoDe: A novel approach to the automatic design of control
software for robot swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(2):89-112, 2014.
[ bib ]
O. Simonin, F. Charpillet, and E. Thierry.
Revisiting wavefront construction with collective agents: an approach
to foraging.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(2):113-138, 2014.
[ bib ]
C. L. Simons, J. Smith, and P. White.
Interactive ant colony optimization (iACO) for early lifecycle
software design.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(2):139-157, 2014.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March 2014 [ bib-vol8-num1 ]
F. Ducatelle, G. A. Di Caro, A. Förster, M. Bonani, M. Dorigo, S. Magnenat,
F. Mondada, R. O'Grady, P. Rétornaz C. Pinciroli, V. Trianni, and L. M.
Cooperative navigation in robotic swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(1):1-33, 2014.
[ bib ]
C. W. Cleghorn and A. P. Engelbrecht.
A generalized theoretical deterministic particle swarm model.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(1):35-59, 2014.
[ bib ]
A. Vardy, G. Vorobyev, and W. Banzhaf.
Cache consensus: rapid object sorting by a robotic swarm.
Swarm Intelligence, 8(1):61-87, 2014.
[ bib ]
Volume 7 [ bib-vol7 ]
Number 4 / December 2013 [ bib-vol7-num4 ]
M. Matteucci and L. Mussone.
An ant colony system for transportation user equilibrium analysis in
congested networks.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(4):255-277, 2013.
[ bib ]
R. C. Fetecau and J. Meskas.
A nonlocal kinetic model for predator–prey interactions.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(4):279-305, 2013.
[ bib ]
H. Sasaki and H. Leung.
Trail traffic flow prediction by contact frequency among individual
Swarm Intelligence, 7(4):307-326, 2013.
[ bib ]
T. Liao, D. Aydın, and T. Stützle.
Artificial bee colonies for continuous optimization: Experimental
analysis and improvements.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(4):327-356, 2013.
[ bib ]
Numbers 2-3 / September 2013 [ bib-vol7-num2-3 ]
Special Issue: ANTS 2012 Special Issue. Guest Editors: Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Christian Blum, Anders Lyhne Christensen, Andries Engelbrecht, Roderich Groß, and Thomas Stützle
M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, C. Blum, A. L. Christensen, A. Engelbrecht,
R. Groß, and T. Stützle.
ANTS 2012 special issue.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(2-4):79-81, 2013.
[ bib ]
L. Murray, J. Timmis, and A. Tyrrell.
Modular self-assembling and self-reconfiguring e-pucks.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(2-4):83-113, 2013.
[ bib ]
J. Gomes, P. Urbano, and A. L. Christensen.
Evolution of swarm robotics systems with novelty search.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(2-4):115-144, 2013.
[ bib ]
H. Hamann.
Towards swarm calculus: urn models of collective decisions and
universal properties of swarm performance.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(2-4):145-172, 2013.
[ bib ]
G. Pini, M. Gagliolo, A. Brutschy, M. Dorigo, and M. Birattari.
Task partitioning in a robot swarm: a study on the effect of
Swarm Intelligence, 7(2-4):173-199, 2013.
[ bib ]
M. Massink, M. Brambilla, D. Latella, and M. Birattari M. Dorigo and.
On the use of Bio-PEPA for modelling and analysing collective
behaviours in swarm robotics.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(2-4):201-228, 2013.
[ bib ]
K. M. Salama and A. A. Freitas.
Learning Bayesian network classifiers using ant colony
Swarm Intelligence, 7(2-4):229-254, 2013.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March 2013 [ bib-vol7-num1 ]
M. Brambilla, E. Ferrante, M. Birattari, and M. Dorigo.
Swarm robotics: a review from the swarm engineering perspective.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(1):1-41, 2013.
[ bib ]
Jayadeva, S. Shah, A. Bhaya, R. Kothari, and S. Chandra.
Ants find the shortest path: a mathematical proof.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(1):43-62, 2013.
[ bib ]
D. D. Do, S. V. Le, and X. H. Hoang.
ACOHAP: an efficient ant colony optimization for the haplotype
inference by pure parsimony problem.
Swarm Intelligence, 7(1):63-77, 2013.
[ bib ]
Volume 6 [ bib-vol6 ]
Number 4 / December 2012 [ bib-vol6-num4 ]
C. Pinciroli, V. Trianni, R. O'Grady, G. Pini, A. Brutschy, M. Brambilla,
N. Mathews, E. Ferrante, G. Di Caro, F. Ducatelle, M. Birattari, L. M.
Gambardella, and M. Dorigo.
ARGoS: A modular, parallel, multi-engine simulator for multi-robot
Swarm Intelligence, 6(4):271-295, 2012.
[ bib ]
J. Langeveld and A. P. Engelbrecht.
Set-based particle swarm optimization applied to the multidimensional
knapsack problem.
Swarm Intelligence, 6(4):297-342, 2012.
[ bib ]
C. Iacopino and P. Palmer.
The dynamics of ant colony optimization algorithms applied to binary
Swarm Intelligence, 6(4):343-377, 2012.
[ bib ]
Number 3 / September 2012 [ bib-vol6-num3 ]
A. Nickabadi, M. M. Ebadzadeh, and R. Safabakhsh.
A competitive clustering particle swarm optimizer for dynamic
optimization problems.
Swarm Intelligence, 6(3):177-206, 2012.
[ bib ]
M. López-Ibáñez and T. Stützle.
An experimental analysis of design choices of multi-objective ant
colony optimization algorithms.
Swarm Intelligence, 6(3):207-232, 2012.
[ bib ]
A. S. Rakitianskaia and A. P. Engelbrecht.
Training feedforward neural networks with dynamic particle swarm
Swarm Intelligence, 6(3):233-270, 2012.
[ bib ]
Number 2 / June 2012 [ bib-vol6-num2 ]
M. Gardner, A. McNabb, and K. Seppi.
A speculative approach to parallelization in particle swarm
Swarm Intelligence, 6(2):77-116, 2012.
[ bib ]
H. Hernández and C. Blum.
Distributed graph coloring: an approach based on the calling behavior
of Japanese tree frogs.
Swarm Intelligence, 6(2):117-150, 2012.
[ bib ]
R.M. Brito, T. M. Schaerf, M. R. Myerscough, T. A. Heard, and B. P. Oldroyd.
Brood comb construction by the stingless bees Tetragonula hockingsi
and Tetragonula carbonarias.
Swarm Intelligence, 6(2):151-176, 2012.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March 2012 [ bib-vol6-num1 ]
Special Issue: ANTS 2010 Special Issue, Part 2. Guest Editors: Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Gianni A. Di Caro, René Doursat, Andries Engelbrecht, Luca Maria Gambardella, Roderich Groß, Erol Şahin and Thomas Stützle
T. Kötzing, F. Neumann, H. Röglin, and C. Witt.
Theoretical analysis of two ACO approaches for the traveling
salesman problem.
Swarm Intelligence, 6(1):1-21, 2012.
[ bib ]
P. Pellegrini, T. Stützle, and M. Birattari.
A critical analysis of parameter adaptation in ant colony
Swarm Intelligence, 6(1):23-48, 2012.
[ bib ]
Z. Yuan, M. A. Montes de Oca, M. Birattari, and T. Stützle.
Continuous optimization algorithms for tuning real and integer
parameters of swarm intelligence algorithms.
Swarm Intelligence, 6(1):49-75, 2012.
[ bib ]
Volume 5 [ bib-vol5 ]
Numbers 3-4 / December 2011 [ bib-vol5-num3-4 ]
Special Issue: ANTS 2010 Special Issue, Part 1. Guest Editors: Marco Dorigo, Mauro Birattari, Gianni A. Di Caro, René Doursat, Andries Engelbrecht, Luca Maria Gambardella, Roderich Groß, Erol Şahin and Thomas Stützle
M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, G. Di Caro, R. Doursat, A. Engelbrecht, L. M.
Gambardella, R. Groß, E. Sahin, and T. Stützle.
ANTS 2010 special issue editorial.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(3-4):143-147, 2011.
[ bib ]
K. M. Salama, A. M. Abdelbar, and A. A. Freitas.
Multiple pheromone types and other extensions to the Ant-Miner
classification rule discovery algorithm.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(3-4):149-182, 2011.
[ bib ]
K. Li, C. E. Torres, K. Thomas, L. F. Rossi, and C.-C. Shen.
Slime mold inspired routing protocols for wireless sensor networks.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(3-4):183-223, 2011.
[ bib ]
L. Yamamoto, D. Miorandi, P. Collet, and W. Banzhaf.
Recovery properties of distributed cluster head election using
Swarm Intelligence, 5(3-4):225-255, 2011.
[ bib ]
J. Beal.
Functional blueprints: an approach to modularity in grown systems.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(3-4):257-281, 2011.
[ bib ]
G. Pini, A. Brutschy, M. Frison, A. Roli, M. Dorigo, and M. Birattari.
Task partitioning in swarms of robots: an adaptive method for
strategy selection.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(3-4):283-304, 2011.
[ bib ]
M. A. Montes de Oca, E. Ferrante, A. Scheidler, C. Pinciroli, M. Birattari,
and M. Dorigo.
Majority-rule opinion dynamics with differential latency: a mechanism
for self-organized collective decision-making.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(3-4):305-327, 2011.
[ bib ]
Number 2 / June, 2011 [ bib-vol5-num2 ]
F. Ducatelle, C. Pinciroli G.A. Di Caro, and L. M. Gambardella.
Self-organized cooperation between robotic swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(2):73-96, 2011.
[ bib ]
V. Sperati, V. Trianni, and S. Nolfi.
Self-organised path formation in a swarm of robots.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(2):97-119, 2011.
[ bib ]
K.Diwold, T.M. Schaerf, M.R. Myerscough, M. Middendorf, and M. Beekman.
Deciding on the wing: in-flight decision making and search space
sampling in the red dwarf honeybee Apis florea.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(2):121-141, 2011.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / January, 2011 [ bib-vol5-num1 ]
Special Issue: Swarm Cognition. Guest Editors: Vito Trianni, Elio Tuci and Kevin M. Passino
V.Trianni, E. Tuci, and K. M. Passino.
Special issue on swarm cognition.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(1):1-2, 2011.
[ bib ]
V.Trianni, E. Tuci, K. M. Passino, and J. A. R. Marshall.
Swarm cognition: an interdisciplinary approach to the study of
self-organising biological collectives.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(1):3-18, 2011.
[ bib ]
J. S.Turner.
Termites as models of swarm cognition.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(1):19-43, 2011.
[ bib ]
P. Santana and L. Correia.
Swarm cognition on off-road autonomous robots.
Swarm Intelligence, 5(1):45-72, 2011.
[ bib ]
Volume 4 [ bib-vol4 ]
Number 4 / November, 2010 [ bib-vol4-num4 ]
Special Issue: Artificial Immune Systems. Guest Editors: Jon Timmis, Paul S. Andrews and Emma Hart
J. Timmis, P. Andrews, and E. Hart.
Special issue on artificial immune systems.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(4):245-246, 2010.
[ bib ]
J. Timmis, P. Andrews, and E. Hart.
On artificial immune systems and swarm intelligence.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(4):247-273, 2010.
[ bib ]
N. Nanas, M. Vavalis, and A. De Roeck.
Words, antibodies and their interactions.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(4):275-300, 2010.
[ bib ]
S. Banerjee and M. Moses.
Scale invariance of immune system response rates and times:
perspectives on immune system architecture and implications for artificial
immune systems.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(4):301-318, 2010.
[ bib ]
A. Sorathiya, A. Bracciali, and P. Liò.
An integrated modelling approach for R5–X4 mutation and HAART
therapy assessment.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(4):319-340, 2010.
[ bib ]
Number 3 / September, 2010 [ bib-vol4-num3 ]
F. Ducatelle, G.A. Di Caro, and L.M. Gambardella.
Principles and applications of swarm intelligence for adaptive
routing in telecommunications networks.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(3):173-198, 2010.
[ bib ]
C. A.C. Parker and H. Zhang.
Collective unary decision-making by decentralized multiple-robot
systems applied to the task-sequencing problem.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(3):199-220, 2010.
[ bib ]
C.E. Torres, L. F. Rossi, J. Keffer, K. Li, and C.-C. Shen.
Modeling, analysis and simulation of ant-based network routing
Swarm Intelligence, 4(3):221-244, 2010.
[ bib ]
Number 2 / June, 2010 [ bib-vol4-num2 ]
N. Fatès.
Solving the decentralised gathering problem with a
reaction–diffusion–chemotaxis scheme.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(2):91-115, 2010.
[ bib ]
T. Stirling, S. Wischmann, and D. Floreano.
Energy-efficient indoor search by swarms of simulated flying robots
without global information.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(2):117-143, 2010.
[ bib ]
S. Shah, R. Kothari, Jayadeva, and S. Chandra.
Trail formation in ants. a generalized polya urn process.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(2):145-171, 2010.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March, 2010 [ bib-vol4-num1 ]
C. E. Martin and J. A. Reggia.
Self-assembly of neural networks viewed as swarm intelligence.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(1):1-36, 2010.
[ bib ]
G. Antonelli, F. Arrichiello, and S. Chiaverini.
Flocking for multi-robot systems via the Null-space-based
Behavioral control.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(1):37-56, 2010.
[ bib ]
M. El-Abd and M. S. Kamel.
A cooperative particle swarm optimizer with migration of
heterogeneous probabilistic models.
Swarm Intelligence, 4(1):57-89, 2010.
[ bib ]
Volume 3 [ bib-vol3 ]
Number 4 / December, 2009 [ bib-vol3-num4 ]
Special Issue: Particle Swarm Optimization. Guest Editors: Riccardo Poli, Andries Engelbrecht, and Jim Kennedy
R. Poli, A. Engelbrecht, and J. Kennedy.
Editorial for the special issue on particle swarm optimization.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(4):243-244, 2009.
[ bib ]
J. L. Fernández Martínez and E. García Gonzalo.
The PSO family: deduction, stochastic analysis and comparison.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(4):245-273, 2009.
[ bib ]
Y. Yan and L. A. Osadciw.
Density estimation using a new dimension adaptive particle swarm
optimization algorithm.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(4):275-301, 2009.
[ bib ]
B. Samanta and C. Nataraj.
Application of particle swarm optimization and proximal support
vector machines for fault detection.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(4):303-325, 2009.
[ bib ]
Number 3 / September, 2009 [ bib-vol3-num3 ]
M. Schilde, K. F. Doerner, R. F. Hartl, and G. Kiechle.
Metaheuristics for the bi-objective orienteering problem.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(3):179-201, 2009.
[ bib ]
J. Pugh and A. Martinoli.
Distributed scalable multi-robot learning using particle swarm
Swarm Intelligence, 3(3):203-222, 2009.
[ bib ]
P. Balaprakash, M. Birattari, T. Stützle, Z. Yuan, and M. Dorigo.
Estimation-based ant colony optimization and local search for the
probabilistic traveling salesman problem.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(3):223-242, 2009.
[ bib ]
Number 2 / June, 2009 [ bib-vol3-num2 ]
K. N. Krishnanand and D. Ghose.
Glowworm swarm optimization for simultaneous capture of multiple
local optima of multimodal functions.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(2):87-124, 2009.
[ bib ]
H. Hernández and C.Blum.
Ant colony optimization for multicasting in static wireless ad-hoc
Swarm Intelligence, 3(2):125-148, 2009.
[ bib ]
Y. Cooren, M. Clerc, and P. Siarry.
Performance evaluation of TRIBES, an adaptive particle swarm
optimization algorithm.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(2):149-178, 2009.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March, 2009 [ bib-vol3-num1 ]
Special Issue: Ant Colony Optimization. Guest Editors: Karl Doerner, Daniel Merkle and Thomas Stützle
K. F. Doerner, D. Merkle, and T. Stützle.
Special issue on ant colony optimization.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(1):1-2, 2009.
[ bib ]
V. S. Borkar and D. Das.
A novel ACO algorithm for optimization via reinforcement and
initial bias.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(1):3-34, 2009.
[ bib ]
F. Neumann, D. Sudholt, and C. Witt.
Analysis of different MMAS ACO algorithms on unimodal functions and
Swarm Intelligence, 3(1):35-68, 2009.
[ bib ]
D. Angus and C. Woodward.
Multiple objective ant colony optimisation.
Swarm Intelligence, 3(1):69-85, 2009.
[ bib ]
Volume 2 [ bib-vol2 ]
Numbers 2-4 / December, 2008 [ bib-vol2-num2-4 ]
Special Issue: Swarm Robotics. Guest Editors: Erol Şahin and Alan Winfield
E. Şahin and A. Winfield.
Special issue on swarm robotics.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):69-72, 2008.
[ bib ]
V. Sperati, V. Trianni, and S. Nolfi.
Evolving coordinated group behaviours through maximisation of mean
mutual information.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):73-95, 2008.
[ bib ]
A. E. Turgut, H. Çelikkanat, F. Gökçe, and E. Şahin.
Self-organized flocking in mobile robot swarms.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):97-120, 2008.
[ bib ]
M. A. Hsieh, A. Halasz, S. Berman, and V. Kumar.
Biologically inspired redistribution of a swarm of robots among
multiple sites.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):121-141, 2008.
[ bib ]
A. L. Christensen, R. O'Grady, and M. Dorigo.
SWARMORPH-script: a language for arbitrary morphology generation in
self-assembling robots.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):143-165, 2008.
[ bib ]
S. Hauert, L. Winkler, J.-C. Zufferey, and D. Floreano.
Ant-based swarming with positionless micro air vehicles for
communication relay.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):167-188, 2008.
[ bib ]
R. Vaughan.
Massively multi-robot simulation in stage.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):189-208, 2008.
[ bib ]
H. Hamann and H. Wörn.
A framework of space-time continuous models for algorithm design in
swarm robotics.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):209-239, 2008.
[ bib ]
A. F. T. Winfield, W. Liu, J. Nembrini, and A. Martinoli.
Modelling a wireless connected swarm of mobile robots.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(2-4):241-266, 2008.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / March, 2008 [ bib-vol2-num1 ]
S. Nouyan, A. Campo, and M. Dorigo.
Path formation in a robot swarm: Self-organized strategies to find
your way home.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(1):1-23, 2008.
[ bib ]
A. John, A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury, and K. Nishinari.
Characteristics of ant-inspired traffic flow.
Swarm Intelligence, 2(1):25-41, 2008.
[ bib ]
G. L. Peterson, C. B. Mayer, and T. L. Kubler.
Ant clustering with locally weighted ant perception and diversified
Swarm Intelligence, 2(1):43-68, 2008.
[ bib ]
Volume 1 [ bib-vol1 ]
Number 2 / December, 2007 [ bib-vol1-num2 ]
N. R. Franks, J. W. Hooper, M. Gumn, T. H. Bridger, J. A. R. Marshall,
R. Gross, and A. Dornhaus.
Moving targets: collective decisions and flexible choices in
house-hunting ants.
Swarm Intelligence, 1(2):81-94, 2007.
[ bib ]
J. Handl and B. Meyer.
Ant-based and swarm-based clustering.
Swarm Intelligence, 1(2):95-113, 2007.
[ bib ]
O. Korb, T. Stützle, and T. E. Exner.
An ant colony optimization approach to flexible protein-ligand
Swarm Intelligence, 1(2):115-134, 2007.
[ bib ]
A.E. Rizzoli, R. Montemanni, E. Lucibello, and L.M. Gambardella.
Ant colony optimization for real-world vehicle routing problems.
Swarm Intelligence, 1(2):135-151, 2007.
[ bib ]
Number 1 / June, 2007 [ bib-vol1-num2 ]
M. Dorigo.
Swarm Intelligence, 1(1):1-2, 2007.
[ bib ]
S. Garnier, J. Gautrais, and G. Theraulaz.
The biological principles of swarm intelligence.
Swarm Intelligence, 1(1):3-31, 2007.
[ bib ]
R. Poli, J. Kennedy, and T. Blackwell.
Particle swarm optimization.
Swarm Intelligence, 1(1):33-57, 2007.
[ bib ]
W. Gutjahr.
Mathematical runtime analysis of ACO algorithms: Survey on an
emerging issue.
Swarm Intelligence, 1(1):59-79, 2007.
[ bib ]