©Guy Theraulaz

 Conference email address: ants@iridia.ulb.ac.be

Intention form

(to be sent to ants@iridia.ulb.ac.be)

ANTS'2000 - From ant colonies to artificial ants: Second International Workshop on Ant Algorithms

Brussels, Belgium, September 8-9, 2000

I intend to participate and
                                    [ ] will give a presentation with the title:
                                    [ ] will only listen to talks.

I wish to participate in the tutorial on September 7 evening (number of participants limited to 40):
                                    [ ] YES
                                    [ ] NO

Please provide the following information: family and first name, affiliation, address, phone, fax, email, www page.
Please put your name and email in the subject (e.g.: Marco DORIGO - mdorigi@ulb.ac.be) and format your data in the message body as in the following example:

Marco Dorigo, Ph.D.
IRIDIA, Universite' Libre de Bruxelles
CP 194/6, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel +32-2-6503169
Fax +32-2-6502715
Secretary +32-2-6502729