Get all the files you need

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Revision as of 13:14, 12 March 2010 by Manubrambi (talk | contribs)
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Many of the guides of this wiki for the E-puck are on a common svn repository, this helps keeping the files up-to-date and in a easily accessible place.

In order to get the files ask to Alessandro (alessandro (dot) stranieri (at) ulb (dot) ac (dot) be) to be added to the 'epuck_files' group and then do:

svn checkout

you should now have all the files.

Policy for updates

You are more than welcome in uploading new files or updating the ones that are already there. However if you do so you are supposed to test the functioning of the files and, more important, UPDATE THE WIKI! Also, when updating the wiki be sure to put all the version number of the software you are using (version mismatching is the first cause of problems when working with the e-pucks). Also, remember to put the version number also on any patch you create (e.g. aseba_patch_v381.patch).

If you have any doubt or problem don't hesitate to contact me ( or Carlo ( or Alex (