ECTS formation doctorale

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This page describes what activities you can use for your DEA/formation doctorale to reach the 60 ECTS (european credit points). Please note: it's not important to get all the credits very fast, usually nobody has a problem with collecting the credits till the end of the DEA. It's just important that every Ph.D. student of IRIDA uses the same rules.


As the final DEA thesis counts for 30 ECTS, you actually have to reach only 30 ECTS by other means. Below there is a list of the activities that are eligable.

courses of the university (1 ECTS per 10 hours of attendance)

  • seriously, nobody does this

conferences, seminars, etc. (1 ECTS per 10 hours of attendance)

  • seminars (count CoDE and IRIDIA seminars only)
  • public PhD defenses
  • attended conferences (count 8 hours per day)

publishing of any kind (1 ECTS per 25 hours of work)

  • journal paper: 200 hours
  • conference paper: 50 hours
  • conference presentation: 50 hours
  • offical presentations (review meetings, IRIDIA seminars etc): 50 hours
  • any other presentation (internal, project meetings, robotic meeting, literature meeting etc): 25 hours

Please note: the listed hours are guidelines. If you're just the 5th author of a journal paper, it might not be reasonable to put 200 hours in the report. Adjust the times on a per-case basis.

Further Info