IRIDIA - Supplementary Information (ISSN: 2684-2041)

Supplementary material for the paper:

Collective Robustness of Heterogeneous Decision-Makers Against Stubborn Individuals

Nemanja Antonic, Raina Zakir, Marco Dorigo, and Andreagiovanni Reina (February 2024)

Table of Contents
  1. Values of regret
  2. Time penalisation with t_max=100
  3. Time penalisation with t_max=1000

Values of regret

Regret parameter space for the DS WA model. Parameters: θ=0.7, za=0.
Regret parameter space for the DS DoS model. Parameters: θ=0.7, za=0.5.
Regret parameter space for the CI WA model. Parameters: θ=0.7, za=0.
Regret parameter space for the CI DoS model. Parameters: θ=0.7, za=0.5.

Time penalisation with t_max=100

Bayes risk heatmap over k and c_2, with each row's minima displayed in red. Parameters: θ=0.7, G=8, tmax=100. WA models have za=0 and DoS models have za=0.5.

Time penalisation with t_max=1000

Bayes risk heatmap over k and c_2, with each row's minima displayed in red. Parameters: θ=0.7, G=8, tmax=100. WA models have za=0 and DoS models have za=0.5.


The mathematica notebooks and python code are available in the repository