IRIDIA - Supplementary Information (ISSN: 2684-2041)

Supplementary material for the paper:

Off-policy evaluation of the performance of a robot swarm: Importance sampling to assess potential modifications to the finite-state machine that controls the robots

Federico Pagnozzi and Mauro Birattari (October 2020)

Table of Contents
  1. Experimental data
  2. Source Code
  3. Video

In this paper we propose a technique based on off-policy evaluation and, in particular, importance sampling to estimate the impact on performance of modifications to finite-state machines.

Statistical data

The archive linked below contains the starting finite-state machines, the modified finite-state machines for the state pruning scenario and for the parameter variation scenario as well as the estimations produced using our technique and the measured performance. Data archive

Source Code

The source code of the off-policy evaluation for finite-state machines generated with AuotoMoDe for this paper is available at Off-policySwarmPerformanceEstimation.
The source code of the version of AutoMoDe that enables the logging of the execution traces is available at AutoMoDe-6s.


Video of an experimental run where the swarm is controlled by one of the automatically generated control software instances. To limit its duration, the video runs at 4x normal speed.