A Note on the Bound Constraints Handling for the IEEE CEC'05 Benchmark Function Suite

by  Tianjun Liao, Daniel Molina, Marco A. Montes de Oca, and Thomas Stützle
April 2011

Submitted to Evolutionary Computation Journal
  1. Paper Abstract
  2. Supplementary tables mentioned in the paper and in the answers to referees
  3. Final solutions of IPOP-CMA-ES and MA-LSch-CMA (both acb and ncb versions)


Paper Abstract

The benchmark functions and some of the algorithms proposed for the special session on real parameter optimization of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'05) have played and still play an important role in the assessment of the state of the art in continuous optimization. In this note we first show that, if bound constraints are not enforced for the final reported solutions, state-of-the-art algorithms produce on a majority of the CEC'05 benchmark functions infeasible best candidate solutions, even though the optima of the CEC'05 functions are within the specified bounds. This observation has important implications on algorithm comparisons. In fact, this note also draws the attention to the fact that authors may have drawn wrong conclusions from experiments using the CEC'05 problems.

Supplementary tables mentioned in this paper and in the answers to referees

Additional tables are given that show the results of "kbf" version. This version search outside the bounds without restrictions but the final solution reported is the best feasible solution that has been identified during the search process.

please see the supp-kbf.pdf

Additional tables are given that show the median results and more detailed information such as the (the best, 0.25 quartile, median, 0.75 quartile and worst error values for each function.

please see the supp-median-others.pdf

Final solutions of IPOP-CMA-ES and MA-LSch-CMA (both acb and ncb versions)

See the allsolutions.tar.gz. For a quick look, here are the final solutions of IPOP-CMA-ES and MA-LSch-CMA (both acb and ncb versions) obtained in f18 of dimension 30. See the quicklysee-example-f18.tar.gz