Warning message: In trellispostscript 2 postscript 2 Analysis of Variance Table Model 1: best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freLoading required package: grid Loading required package: mvtnorm ^2 Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) 1 464 174.575 2 467 176.064 -3 -1.488 1.3185 0.2677 Call: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.50156 -0.40921 -0.03066 0.39499 2.00380 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.9027784 0.0280256 67.894 < 2e-16 *** comm.strat1 -0.0543573 0.0396342 -1.371 0.1709 comm.strat2 -0.0426326 0.0228828 -1.863 0.0631 . comm.strat3 0.0085440 0.0161806 0.528 0.5977 migr.freq1 -0.0415338 0.0280256 -1.482 0.1390 max.cpu1 -0.1652579 0.0280256 -5.897 7.12e-09 *** comm.strat1:migr.freq1 -0.0615944 0.0396342 -1.554 0.1208 comm.strat2:migr.freq1 0.0050131 0.0228828 0.219 0.8267 comm.strat3:migr.freq1 0.0324759 0.0161806 2.007 0.0453 * comm.strat1:max.cpu1 0.0401806 0.0396342 1.014 0.3112 comm.strat2:max.cpu1 0.0150128 0.0228828 0.656 0.5121 comm.strat3:max.cpu1 0.0004478 0.0161806 0.028 0.9779 migr.freq1:max.cpu1 -0.0063399 0.0280256 -0.226 0.8211 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.614 on 467 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.09776, Adjusted R-squared: 0.07457 F-statistic: 4.217 on 12 and 467 DF, p-value: 2.507e-06 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) comm.strat 3 2.123 0.708 1.8769 0.1326 migr.freq 1 0.828 0.828 2.1963 0.1390 max.cpu 1 13.109 13.109 34.7707 7.121e-09 *** comm.strat:migr.freq 3 2.447 0.816 2.1638 0.0915 . comm.strat:max.cpu 3 0.550 0.183 0.4863 0.6919 migr.freq:max.cpu 1 0.019 0.019 0.0512 0.8211 Residuals 467 176.064 0.377 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Tables of means Grand mean 1.902778 comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 1.991 1.883 1.809 1.928 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 1.944 1.861 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 2.068 1.738 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC 2.009 1.974 HC 2.023 1.742 R 1.873 1.745 RW 1.873 1.984 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 2.212 1.770 HC 2.023 1.742 R 1.945 1.673 RW 2.092 1.764 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed 2.103 1.785 increasing 2.033 1.690 Standard errors for differences of means comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.0793 0.0561 0.0561 0.1121 0.1121 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.0793 replic. 120 Tables of effects comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 0.0884 -0.0203 -0.0938 0.0256 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 0.0415 -0.0415 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 0.1653 -0.1653 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC -0.0241 0.0241 HC 0.0991 -0.0991 R 0.0224 -0.0224 RW -0.0974 0.0974 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 0.0556 -0.0556 HC -0.0247 0.0247 R -0.0296 0.0296 RW -0.0013 0.0013 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed -0.00634 0.00634 increasing 0.00634 -0.00634 Standard errors of effects comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.0561 0.0396 0.0396 0.0793 0.0793 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.0561 replic. 120 postscript 2 postscript 2 Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) $comm.strat diff lwr upr p adj HC-FC -0.10871462 -0.31309297 0.09566374 0.5179231 R-FC -0.18225511 -0.38663347 0.02212325 0.0996614 RW-FC -0.06281377 -0.26719213 0.14156459 0.8578912 R-HC -0.07354049 -0.27791885 0.13083787 0.7899944 RW-HC 0.04590085 -0.15847751 0.25027920 0.9383451 RW-R 0.11944134 -0.08493702 0.32381970 0.4342010 $migr.freq diff lwr upr p adj increasing-fixed -0.08306764 -0.1932116 0.02707633 0.1390165 $max.cpu diff lwr upr p adj 8-4 -0.3305158 -0.4406598 -0.2203719 0 $`comm.strat:migr.freq` diff lwr upr p adj HC:fixed-FC:fixed 0.0144741329 -0.32684736 0.35579563 1.0000000 R:fixed-FC:fixed -0.1356999532 -0.47702145 0.20562154 0.9286758 RW:fixed-FC:fixed -0.1361361600 -0.47745766 0.20518534 0.9275120 FC:increasing-FC:fixed -0.0348568845 -0.37617838 0.30646461 0.9999863 HC:increasing-FC:fixed -0.2667602528 -0.60808175 0.07456124 0.2538290 R:increasing-FC:fixed -0.2636671505 -0.60498865 0.07765435 0.2679215 RW:increasing-FC:fixed -0.0243482675 -0.36566976 0.31697323 0.9999988 R:fixed-HC:fixed -0.1501740861 -0.49149558 0.19114741 0.8832384 RW:fixed-HC:fixed -0.1506102929 -0.49193179 0.19071120 0.8816486 FC:increasing-HC:fixed -0.0493310175 -0.39065251 0.29199048 0.9998547 HC:increasing-HC:fixed -0.2812343858 -0.62255588 0.06008711 0.1942389 R:increasing-HC:fixed -0.2781412834 -0.61946278 0.06318021 0.2060851 RW:increasing-HC:fixed -0.0388224004 -0.38014390 0.30249910 0.9999713 RW:fixed-R:fixed -0.0004362067 -0.34175770 0.34088529 1.0000000 FC:increasing-R:fixed 0.1008430687 -0.24047843 0.44216457 0.9860342 HC:increasing-R:fixed -0.1310602996 -0.47238180 0.21026120 0.9402885 R:increasing-R:fixed -0.1279671973 -0.46928869 0.21335430 0.9472693 RW:increasing-R:fixed 0.1113516857 -0.22996981 0.45267318 0.9752867 FC:increasing-RW:fixed 0.1012792754 -0.24004222 0.44260077 0.9856762 HC:increasing-RW:fixed -0.1306240929 -0.47194559 0.21069740 0.9413093 R:increasing-RW:fixed -0.1275309905 -0.46885249 0.21379051 0.9482060 RW:increasing-RW:fixed 0.1117878925 -0.22953360 0.45310939 0.9747363 HC:increasing-FC:increasing -0.2319033683 -0.57322487 0.10941813 0.4369180 R:increasing-FC:increasing -0.2288102659 -0.57013176 0.11251123 0.4552554 RW:increasing-FC:increasing 0.0105086171 -0.33081288 0.35183011 1.0000000 R:increasing-HC:increasing 0.0030931024 -0.33822839 0.34441460 1.0000000 RW:increasing-HC:increasing 0.2424119854 -0.09890951 0.58373348 0.3766718 RW:increasing-R:increasing 0.2393188830 -0.10200261 0.58064038 0.3940339 $`comm.strat:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj HC:4-FC:4 -0.189075797 -0.5303973 0.152245700 0.6960126 R:4-FC:4 -0.267474046 -0.6087955 0.073847451 0.2506439 RW:4-FC:4 -0.119798235 -0.4611197 0.221523262 0.9629373 FC:8-FC:4 -0.441798124 -0.7831196 -0.100476627 0.0023626 HC:8-FC:4 -0.470151562 -0.8114731 -0.128830065 0.0008543 R:8-FC:4 -0.538834297 -0.8801558 -0.197512800 0.0000564 RW:8-FC:4 -0.447627432 -0.7889489 -0.106305935 0.0019268 R:4-HC:4 -0.078398249 -0.4197197 0.262923248 0.9969943 RW:4-HC:4 0.069277562 -0.2720439 0.410599059 0.9986343 FC:8-HC:4 -0.252722327 -0.5940438 0.088599170 0.3214505 HC:8-HC:4 -0.281075765 -0.6223973 0.060245732 0.1948346 R:8-HC:4 -0.349758500 -0.6910800 -0.008437003 0.0401070 RW:8-HC:4 -0.258551635 -0.5998731 0.082769862 0.2922449 RW:4-R:4 0.147675811 -0.1936457 0.488997308 0.8920948 FC:8-R:4 -0.174324078 -0.5156456 0.166997419 0.7767441 HC:8-R:4 -0.202677516 -0.5439990 0.138643980 0.6149738 R:8-R:4 -0.271360251 -0.6126817 0.069961245 0.2337477 RW:8-R:4 -0.180153386 -0.5214749 0.161168111 0.7459971 FC:8-RW:4 -0.321999889 -0.6633214 0.019321608 0.0806409 HC:8-RW:4 -0.350353327 -0.6916748 -0.009031831 0.0394780 R:8-RW:4 -0.419036062 -0.7603576 -0.077714566 0.0050993 RW:8-RW:4 -0.327829197 -0.6691507 0.013492299 0.0700922 HC:8-FC:8 -0.028353438 -0.3696749 0.312968058 0.9999967 R:8-FC:8 -0.097036173 -0.4383577 0.244285323 0.9888749 RW:8-FC:8 -0.005829308 -0.3471508 0.335492188 1.0000000 R:8-HC:8 -0.068682735 -0.4100042 0.272638762 0.9987083 RW:8-HC:8 0.022524130 -0.3187974 0.363845627 0.9999993 RW:8-R:8 0.091206865 -0.2501146 0.432528362 0.9923325 $`migr.freq:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj increasing:4-fixed:4 -0.07038791 -0.2747663 0.13399045 0.8111248 fixed:8-fixed:4 -0.31783610 -0.5222145 -0.11345774 0.0004106 increasing:8-fixed:4 -0.41358348 -0.6179618 -0.20920512 0.0000016 fixed:8-increasing:4 -0.24744819 -0.4518265 -0.04306983 0.0102760 increasing:8-increasing:4 -0.34319557 -0.5475739 -0.13881721 0.0001075 increasing:8-fixed:8 -0.09574738 -0.3001257 0.10863098 0.6221355 postscript 2 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr 4 == 0 2.0680 1.9791 2.1570 8 == 0 1.7375 1.6486 1.8264 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr fixed == 0 1.9443 1.8554 2.0332 increasing == 0 1.8612 1.7723 1.9502 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.5002 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr FC == 0 1.9912 1.8511 2.1314 HC == 0 1.8825 1.7424 2.0227 R == 0 1.8090 1.6688 1.9491 RW == 0 1.9284 1.7883 2.0686 95% family-wise confidence level postscript 2 Test stat Pr(>|t|) comm.strat NA NA migr.freq NA NA max.cpu NA NA Tukey test 0.5455463 0.5853778 postscript 2 postscript 2