Warning message: In trellis.parpostscript 2 postscript 2 Analysis of Variance Table Model 1: best ~ (comm.strat + migrLoading required package: grid Loading required package: mvtnorm cpu)^2 Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) 1 464 1.03141 2 467 1.04626 -3 -0.01485 2.2274 0.08424 . --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Call: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.0429020 -0.0186376 -0.0081887 0.0001811 0.3112190 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.0164177 0.0021604 7.599 1.64e-13 *** comm.strat1 -0.0016699 0.0030553 -0.547 0.584937 comm.strat2 -0.0024613 0.0017640 -1.395 0.163585 comm.strat3 -0.0043056 0.0012473 -3.452 0.000607 *** migr.freq1 -0.0070822 0.0021604 -3.278 0.001123 ** max.cpu1 -0.0084302 0.0021604 -3.902 0.000109 *** comm.strat1:migr.freq1 -0.0030247 0.0030553 -0.990 0.322702 comm.strat2:migr.freq1 -0.0020276 0.0017640 -1.149 0.250957 comm.strat3:migr.freq1 0.0020343 0.0012473 1.631 0.103575 comm.strat1:max.cpu1 0.0007042 0.0030553 0.230 0.817819 comm.strat2:max.cpu1 -0.0004002 0.0017640 -0.227 0.820640 comm.strat3:max.cpu1 0.0019293 0.0012473 1.547 0.122610 migr.freq1:max.cpu1 0.0020187 0.0021604 0.934 0.350588 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.04733 on 467 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.09402, Adjusted R-squared: 0.07074 F-statistic: 4.039 on 12 and 467 DF, p-value: 5.468e-06 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) comm.strat 3 0.03173 0.01058 4.7204 0.0029525 ** migr.freq 1 0.02408 0.02408 10.7460 0.0011230 ** max.cpu 1 0.03411 0.03411 15.2262 0.0001094 *** comm.strat:migr.freq 3 0.01112 0.00371 1.6538 0.1762150 comm.strat:max.cpu 3 0.00559 0.00186 0.8323 0.4765726 migr.freq:max.cpu 1 0.00196 0.00196 0.8731 0.3505878 Residuals 467 1.04626 0.00224 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Tables of means Grand mean 0.01641772 comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 0.02485 0.02151 0.01580 0.00350 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 0.02350 0.00934 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 0.02485 0.00799 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC 0.0289 0.0208 HC 0.0316 0.0114 R 0.0290 0.0026 RW 0.0045 0.0025 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 0.0355 0.0142 HC 0.0308 0.0123 R 0.0270 0.0046 RW 0.0061 0.0009 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed 0.0339 0.0131 increasing 0.0157 0.0029 Standard errors for differences of means comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.00611 0.00432 0.00432 0.00864 0.00864 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.00611 replic. 120 Tables of effects comm.strat comm.strat FC HC R RW 0.00844 0.00510 -0.00062 -0.01292 migr.freq migr.freq fixed increasing 0.00708 -0.00708 max.cpu max.cpu 4 8 0.00843 -0.00843 comm.strat:migr.freq migr.freq comm.strat fixed increasing FC -0.00302 0.00302 HC 0.00303 -0.00303 R 0.00609 -0.00609 RW -0.00610 0.00610 comm.strat:max.cpu max.cpu comm.strat 4 8 FC 0.00223 -0.00223 HC 0.00082 -0.00082 R 0.00273 -0.00273 RW -0.00579 0.00579 migr.freq:max.cpu max.cpu migr.freq 4 8 fixed 0.002019 -0.002019 increasing -0.002019 0.002019 Standard errors of effects comm.strat migr.freq max.cpu comm.strat:migr.freq comm.strat:max.cpu 0.00432 0.00306 0.00306 0.00611 0.00611 replic. 120 240 240 60 60 migr.freq:max.cpu 0.00432 replic. 120 postscript 2 postscript 2 Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) $comm.strat diff lwr upr p adj HC-FC -0.003339879 -0.01909497 0.012415210 0.9474496 R-FC -0.009053889 -0.02480898 0.006701201 0.4494138 RW-FC -0.021353764 -0.03710885 -0.005598675 0.0029155 R-HC -0.005714010 -0.02146910 0.010041080 0.7859909 RW-HC -0.018013885 -0.03376897 -0.002258796 0.0176202 RW-R -0.012299876 -0.02805496 0.003455214 0.1846585 $migr.freq diff lwr upr p adj increasing-fixed -0.01416431 -0.02265507 -0.005673543 0.001123 $max.cpu diff lwr upr p adj 8-4 -0.01686035 -0.02535112 -0.00836959 0.0001094 $`comm.strat:migr.freq` diff lwr upr p adj HC:fixed-FC:fixed 2.709460e-03 -0.02360228 2.902120e-02 0.9999855 R:fixed-FC:fixed 5.365267e-05 -0.02625809 2.636540e-02 1.0000000 RW:fixed-FC:fixed -2.443879e-02 -0.05075054 1.872949e-03 0.0906364 FC:increasing-FC:fixed -8.128380e-03 -0.03444012 1.818336e-02 0.9818940 HC:increasing-FC:fixed -1.751760e-02 -0.04382934 8.794144e-03 0.4646376 R:increasing-FC:fixed -2.628981e-02 -0.05260155 2.193211e-05 0.0503669 RW:increasing-FC:fixed -2.639712e-02 -0.05270886 -8.537324e-05 0.0485932 R:fixed-HC:fixed -2.655807e-03 -0.02896755 2.365594e-02 0.9999873 RW:fixed-HC:fixed -2.714825e-02 -0.05346000 -8.365107e-04 0.0376064 FC:increasing-HC:fixed -1.083784e-02 -0.03714958 1.547390e-02 0.9149039 HC:increasing-HC:fixed -2.022706e-02 -0.04653880 6.084684e-03 0.2738781 R:increasing-HC:fixed -2.899927e-02 -0.05531101 -2.687528e-03 0.0192316 RW:increasing-HC:fixed -2.910658e-02 -0.05541832 -2.794833e-03 0.0184677 RW:fixed-R:fixed -2.449245e-02 -0.05080419 1.819297e-03 0.0891806 FC:increasing-R:fixed -8.182033e-03 -0.03449378 1.812971e-02 0.9811943 HC:increasing-R:fixed -1.757125e-02 -0.04388299 8.740492e-03 0.4604672 R:increasing-R:fixed -2.634346e-02 -0.05265521 -3.172056e-05 0.0494733 RW:increasing-R:fixed -2.645077e-02 -0.05276251 -1.390259e-04 0.0477265 FC:increasing-RW:fixed 1.631041e-02 -0.01000133 4.262216e-02 0.5602971 HC:increasing-RW:fixed 6.921195e-03 -0.01939055 3.323294e-02 0.9930318 R:increasing-RW:fixed -1.851017e-03 -0.02816276 2.446073e-02 0.9999990 RW:increasing-RW:fixed -1.958323e-03 -0.02827006 2.435342e-02 0.9999985 HC:increasing-FC:increasing -9.389218e-03 -0.03570096 1.692252e-02 0.9594571 R:increasing-FC:increasing -1.816143e-02 -0.04447317 8.150312e-03 0.4153686 RW:increasing-FC:increasing -1.826874e-02 -0.04458048 8.043007e-03 0.4073443 R:increasing-HC:increasing -8.772212e-03 -0.03508395 1.753953e-02 0.9720858 RW:increasing-HC:increasing -8.879518e-03 -0.03519126 1.743222e-02 0.9701309 RW:increasing-R:increasing -1.073053e-04 -0.02641905 2.620444e-02 1.0000000 $`comm.strat:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj HC:4-FC:4 -0.004748262 -0.03106000 0.0215634807 0.9993645 R:4-FC:4 -0.008557602 -0.03486934 0.0177541409 0.9757103 RW:4-FC:4 -0.029374839 -0.05568658 -0.0030630966 0.0166749 FC:8-FC:4 -0.021326938 -0.04763868 0.0049848045 0.2119392 HC:8-FC:4 -0.023258434 -0.04957018 0.0030533082 0.1277482 R:8-FC:4 -0.030877114 -0.05718886 -0.0045653715 0.0092240 RW:8-FC:4 -0.034659627 -0.06097137 -0.0083478850 0.0017965 R:4-HC:4 -0.003809340 -0.03012108 0.0225024025 0.9998530 RW:4-HC:4 -0.024626577 -0.05093832 0.0016851650 0.0856236 FC:8-HC:4 -0.016578676 -0.04289042 0.0097330661 0.5388595 HC:8-HC:4 -0.018510173 -0.04482191 0.0078015698 0.3895170 R:8-HC:4 -0.026128852 -0.05244059 0.0001828901 0.0531304 RW:8-HC:4 -0.029911366 -0.05622311 -0.0035996234 0.0135496 RW:4-R:4 -0.020817238 -0.04712898 0.0054945049 0.2393789 FC:8-R:4 -0.012769336 -0.03908108 0.0135424060 0.8191538 HC:8-R:4 -0.014700833 -0.04101258 0.0116109097 0.6865807 R:8-R:4 -0.022319512 -0.04863125 0.0039922300 0.1648281 RW:8-R:4 -0.026102026 -0.05241377 0.0002097165 0.0536032 FC:8-RW:4 0.008047901 -0.01826384 0.0343596435 0.9829063 HC:8-RW:4 0.006116405 -0.02019534 0.0324281472 0.9967589 R:8-RW:4 -0.001502275 -0.02781402 0.0248094675 0.9999998 RW:8-RW:4 -0.005284788 -0.03159653 0.0210269540 0.9987236 HC:8-FC:8 -0.001931496 -0.02824324 0.0243802461 0.9999986 R:8-FC:8 -0.009550176 -0.03586192 0.0167615664 0.9555826 RW:8-FC:8 -0.013332690 -0.03964443 0.0129790529 0.7837173 R:8-HC:8 -0.007618680 -0.03393042 0.0186930627 0.9875975 RW:8-HC:8 -0.011401193 -0.03771294 0.0149105492 0.8913219 RW:8-R:8 -0.003782514 -0.03009426 0.0225292289 0.9998598 $`migr.freq:max.cpu` diff lwr upr p adj increasing:4-fixed:4 -0.018201670 -0.03395676 -0.002446580 0.0160529 fixed:8-fixed:4 -0.020897717 -0.03665281 -0.005142627 0.0037929 increasing:8-fixed:4 -0.031024659 -0.04677975 -0.015269569 0.0000033 fixed:8-increasing:4 -0.002696047 -0.01845114 0.013059042 0.9712740 increasing:8-increasing:4 -0.012822989 -0.02857808 0.002932100 0.1550861 increasing:8-fixed:8 -0.010126942 -0.02588203 0.005628147 0.3476934 postscript 2 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr 4 == 0 0.024848 0.017993 0.031702 8 == 0 0.007988 0.001133 0.014842 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.2435 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr fixed == 0 0.023500 0.016645 0.030354 increasing == 0 0.009336 0.002481 0.016190 95% family-wise confidence level Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Mean Contrasts Fit: aov(formula = best ~ (comm.strat + migr.freq + max.cpu)^2, data = BestDF) Estimated Quantile = 2.5002 Linear Hypotheses: Estimate lwr upr FC == 0 0.024855 0.014052 0.035658 HC == 0 0.021515 0.010712 0.032318 R == 0 0.015801 0.004998 0.026604 RW == 0 0.003501 -0.007302 0.014304 95% family-wise confidence level postscript 2 Test stat Pr(>|t|) comm.strat NA NA migr.freq NA NA max.cpu NA NA Tukey test 1.887968 0.05903031 postscript 2 postscript 2