Supporting material for the paper:

Learning from House-Hunting Ants:
Collective Decision-Making in
Organic Computing Systems

by Arne Brutschy, Alexander Scheidler, Martin Middendorf, Daniel Merkle
March 2008

Submitted to ANTS 2008 conference

Table of Contents
  1. Details on Runtime Functions
  2. Finite State Diagram
  3. Optimization of T_fix

Details on Runtime Functions

Runtime functions were used to generate runtimes for each job/slices pair in the system. Each function generates a set of runtimes for a single job, defining the progression of job runtime with increasing number of slices configured for this job. The generated runtimes exhibit a characteristic defined by the underlying runtime function, i.e. the exponential runtime function creates runtimes which are exponentially decreasing with increasing number of slices. Runtimes were generated as follows. f1 denotes the class of a runtime function. Each class consists of a base function f2, which was used to create the function's values on an interval of f3. Afterwards, f4was used to generate random start- and endpoints (uniform distribution). Finally, the function values generated by f2 were scaled to the random generated start- and endpoints and the required number of data values (s values, one for each slice configuration) were extracted. Table 1 lists all base functions and restrictions. Minimal runtime used in the experiments was f5, maximal runtime was f6. The required minimal difference between start- and endpoint used by some functions was set to f7.

Table: runtime functions

Finite State Diagram

The following finite state diagram represents the states of the scout units of the ant-inspired models. See caption for further details.

Figure: Finite State Diagram

Optimization of T_fix

Figure 2 shows the optimization of the quorum threshold parameter Tfix for the fixed quorum theshold model regarding the fitness.

Figure: Optimization of T_fix