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Enhancing Evolutionary Design via Artificial Development
Taras Kowaliw
ISC-PIF, CNRS;; Paris, France
On 2013-02-26 at 14:30:00 (Brussels Time)


We start with a brief description of some of the strengths and weaknesses of using evolutionary computation for automated design. We next discuss artificial development, the use of a growth stage in the optimization process. Rather than to directly specify a design, we instead aim to grow it. Artificial development is a potential means of incorporating several biologically-motivated design metaphors, ones that might generate designs of greater complexity, robustness, and resilience. Two concrete examples are presented: firstly, the design of forms in the domain of structural engineering, where we recover a form of artificial polymorphism; secondly, the generation of soft-bodied virtual robots. Finally, we discuss potential applications to the automation of synthetic biology.


artificial development, evolutionary computation, artificial design, bio-inspired engineering, self-organization


  1. T. Kowaliw and W. Banzhaf. (2012) Mechanisms for Complex Systems Engineering through Artificial Development. In Morphogenetic Engineering. Springer.