
Kilogrid software

Contains the KiloGUI software, the libraries required to compile Module controllers and controllers used for experiments with the Kilogrid. To compile KiloGUI, run the command "qmake" followed by "make all" in the KiloGUI folder. You may need to give KiloGUI permission over usb port or to run KiloGUI as superuser in order to control the Kilogrid. Controllers for three scenarios and for testing kilogrid modules can be found in the Experiments folder. Makefiles for all controllers and libraries are positioned in the appopriate folders for compilation. Make sure to edit the correct path to avr libraries in the Makefiles if using Windows or OS X. A list of required drivers to install for compiling the software is reported into the README file.

Kilogrid technical files

Contains the Bill of Materials, Pick Place, PCB Print and Gerber files for the Kilogrid Module and Dispatcher. The files have been generated using Altium 14. Also contains the DXF files for the structural components of the Kilogrid (i.e. module holders, pcb borders) generated using SolidWorks.