Salima Hassas, Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
Emergent behaviour in multi-agents systems is rooted in interaction.
We study such a system applied to load balancing in a telecommunication network.
We present in this work an ant-based multi-agents system that allows
task migration over a computer network. The ant paradigm allows us to
code information and constraints as pheromone fields. Thus, and
because the computers load is coded with such a system, load
balancing becomes a criterion among others. Our work present several
advantages :
- a natural expression of the problem in terms of local interactions
that evolve to a global equilibrium;
- the support of a non limitative number of criteria in the choice
of the migratory path;
- the ability to set dynamicaly the relative importance of these
criteria to respond to time-evolving requirements;
- a very quick adaptation to the disturbances of the network;
- the great robustness of a rective system and a very good response
to local or global overloads.
At the crossroad of the Artificial Intelligence and the Network, our
approach can lead to a new point of view on local networks and their
fauna : the computationnal ecology.