Thomas Stützle's Home Page
Thomas Stützle
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
IRIDIA, CP 194/6
Av. F. Roosevelt 50
B-1050 Brussels
Phone: ++32 (0)2 650-3167
Fax: ++32 (0)2 650-2715
Email: stuetzle
Office: C5.123
- My GECCO 2002 paper on A Racing Algorithm For Configuring
Metaheuristic (co-authored by Mauro Birattari, Luis Paquete, and Klaus Varrentrap) has received the 2012 SIGEVO Impact Award.
- The irace software package for automatic algorithm configuration is available here. It implements various variants of racing algorithms for algorithm configuration.
- The ACOTSPQAP software is available; it implements various ACO algorithms for the TSP and the QAP and is an extension of the earlier ACOTSP software, which is available through the ACO-Software page.
- The EAF Graphical Tools software is available; it plots summary attainment surfaces and differences between the first-order empirical attainment functions of bi-objective optimizers.
Many of my papers are also listed in DB/LP; you may also check my google scholar profile for a list of my publications according to number of citations.
Publications are also available from my publication page (though not updated very frequently).
I'm associate editor of Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Computational Intelligence,
Evolutionary Computation,
and Swarm Intelligence and
member of the editorial board of the journals
European Journal of Industrial Engineering,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Operations Research Perspectives, Soft Computing,
and International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing.
Together with
Holger Hoos I have
created SATLIB, an
online collection of benchmark instances and solvers for propositional
satisfiability problems.
The second semester of the academic year 2017/18 I'm teaching
The course introduces heuristic techniques for the effective solution of hard decision and optimization problems. A main focus of the course is on stochastic local search methods.
Thomas Stützle
Université Libre de Bruxelles
IRIDIA, CP 194/6
50 Av. F. Roosevelt
1050 Brussels, Belgium
ts, last update May 25, 2018.